Blue badge scheme statistics: 2015
Blue badge statistics in England, including the number of badges on issue and issued in the financial year ending 2015.
For badges held as at 31 March 2015:
- 2.39 million valid blue badges were held, a 2.9% decrease when compared with the previous year
- out of the 2015 total, 58% of badges were subject to further assessment, 41% were issued without further assessment, and 1% to organisations
- the overall decline in the total number of blue badges held between 2014 and 2015 was driven by a decline of 3.7% of badges held subject to further assessment
- 4.4% of the population in England held a valid blue badge, a decrease of 0.2 percentage points from 2014
For badges issued between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015:
- 880,000 blue badges were issued, an increase of 0.7% from the previous year
Out of these:
- 41% were issued without further assessment, 58% subject to further assessment and 1% to organisations
For the first time in 2015, the main blue badge statistics are derived exclusively from BBIS (Blue Badge Improvement Service), an online database.
Previously, the statistics were derived from two sources:
- the BBIS database
- an annual blue badge survey of local authorities
The annual blue badge survey has been shortened to ask questions on blue badge abuse only.
Further guidance and technical information on blue badges can be found on the disabled parking badges page.
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Disabled parking badge statistics
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