Official Statistics

Child education: 2023 update

Annual update covering educational outcomes and attendance.

Applies to England


Child health profiles


The annual update to child education indicators gives data to inform planning for health and associated services for local populations. They are intended for use by local government and health service professionals.

The child education, development and attendance indicators which have been updated are:

  • persistent absentees in primary and secondary schools
  • average attainment 8 score of children in care
  • school age pupils with special educational needs
  • free school meals uptake

In a review of indicators, users told us that they valued the inclusion of education indicators in the profiles of the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities Fingertips tool because they could use these to compare different areas and measure trends. They also found the statistical methods useful. Indicators for many education topics, including those identified by users as being of particular interest, such as persistent absentees and school readiness, have been retained. We have, however, removed other indicators so that we can focus capacity on those areas of education which are most relevant to child health. For this reason, data for key stage 1 indicators and for key stage 2 indicators has been removed but the statistics continue to be available from the Department for Education.

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Published 7 November 2023

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