Accredited official statistics
Company Insolvency Statistics: January to March 2021
Statistics on new company insolvencies in England and Wales, and related statistics for Scotland and Northern Ireland
- One in 396 active companies (at a rate of 25.3 per 10,000 active companies) entered liquidation between 1st April 2020 and 31st March 2021. This is a decrease from the 40.5 per 10,000 active companies that entered liquidation in the 12 months ending 31st March 2020.
- During Q1 2021, there were 2,384 (seasonally adjusted) registered company insolvencies, comprising 2,047 creditors’ voluntary liquidations (CVLs), 108 compulsory liquidations, 192 administrations and 37 company voluntary arrangements (CVAs). There were no receivership appointments.
- After seasonal adjustment, the number of company insolvencies was 22% lower than in Q4 2020 and 38% lower than in Q1 2020. This was driven by a drop in all company insolvency procedures.