Official Statistics

Database of forecasts for the UK economy

We’ve compiled independent forecasts for the UK economy since 1986. This database includes forecasts of key economic indicators from those publications.



Each month we publish independent forecasts of key economic and fiscal indicators for the UK economy. Forecasts before 2010 are hosted by The National Archives.

We began publishing comparisons of independent forecasts in 1986. The first database brings together selected variables from those publications, averaged across forecasters. It includes series for Gross Domestic Product, the Consumer Prices Index, the Retail Prices Index, the Retail Prices Index excluding mortgage interest payments, Public Sector Net Borrowing and the Claimant Count. Our second database contains time series of independent forecasts for GDP growth, private consumption, government consumption, fixed investment, domestic demand and net trade, for 26 forecasters with at least 10 years’ worth of submissions since 2010.

We’d welcome feedback on how you find the database and any extra information that you’d like to see included. Email your comments to

Updates to this page

Published 23 February 2018
Last updated 17 April 2024 show all updates
  1. Updated for April 2024

  2. Updated for April 2023

  3. Database of Forecasts for the UK Economy, by Forecaster added

  4. Updated for August 2022

  5. Updated.

  6. Updated with: Database of Forecasts for the UK economy.

  7. Updated database.

  8. Updated contact detail.

  9. Updated with March data

  10. First published.

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