UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2013: England and local data
Local level data for England from the 2011 and 2013 Employer Skills Surveys.
The survey
The Employer Skills Survey (ESS) is undertaken by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) and is one of the largest surveys of employers in the world, interviewing over 91,000 employers in every sector across the UK. The survey gives a comprehensive picture of skills needs and training investment, including vacancies and skills shortages, employee skill gaps and the recruitment of education leavers and young people.
Local level data
The survey is large enough to allow very detailed geographical analysis, for example, at upper tier local authority level and Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) level. These local results can be used in several ways:
employers can see how they compare to their sector in their provision of training or own experience of skill deficiency and identify challenges and opportunities for their sector
individuals and careers advisers can identify sectors and occupations that have particular shortages
providers of training and development can use the results to help shape provision to meet need in their locality or their specialist area
England local evidence toolkit
The 2013 local data has been released as the ‘England Local Evidence Toolkit’ which includes all the documents on this page - data tables, slide packs, and maps as well as a summary infographic and comparison tables from the 2011 survey. You can also compare the England results with the National Employer Skills Survey (NESS) series which goes back to 2003.
The ESS 2013 data is made available under the Open Government Licence
Note for users:
Investment in Training figures published in 2013 and 2011 have been revised. The revisions reflect a refined weighting approach for ESS 2015 to improve the accuracy of training spend figures in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
For revised figures, users should refer to the main ESS 2015 report. A separate technical paper has been published describing the revisions, available with the 2015 supplementary documents. Users of 2013 or 2011 data tables should contact the UKCES Employer Surveys team to request updated versions.
Updates to this page
Added note for users on revisions to 2011 and 2013 Investment in Training data.
New versions of LEP and LEA summary tables available
New data available at LEP and LEA level in summary tables
Local Education Authority and Local Enterprise Partnership tables changed
First published.