Family Food 2013
Annual report on household purchases of food and drink.
‘Family Food’ is an annual publication which provides detailed statistical information on purchased quantities, expenditure and nutrient intakes derived from both household and eating out food and drink. Data is collected for a sample of households in the United Kingdom using self-reported diaries of all purchases, including food eaten out, over a two week period. Where possible quantities are recorded in the diaries but otherwise estimated. Energy and nutrient intakes are calculated using standard nutrient composition data for each of some 500 types of food. Current estimates are based on data collected in the ‘Family Food Module of the Living Costs and Food Survey’.
The Family Food team are always keen to get feedback from users of the report and the data. We have produced a short online survey to gather thoughts and suggestions on how we can improve our outputs. Please take a few minutes to give us your opinions at Family Food 2013 Feedback
Next update: see the statistics release calendar.
Defra statistics: family food
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