Fuel poverty statistics
Households in fuel poverty in rural and urban areas.
Applies to England
Statistics on the proportion of households that are fuel poor in rural and urban areas, and the average fuel poverty gap (the additional income which would be needed to bring a household to the point of not being fuel poor).
- proportion of fuel poor households
- average fuel poverty gap
Data source: BEIS fuel poverty statistics
Coverage: England
Rural classification used: Office for National Statistics Rural Urban Classification 2011
Additional information:
Defra statistics: rural
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Updates to this page
Last updated 25 August 2022 + show all updates
Published today, latest rural statistics on fuel poverty.
Created a new html version of the fuel poverty section, and updated the section using the latest available data (2019)
Published today, latest statistics on fuel poverty in rural areas.
Published today, the latest rural analysis on fuel poverty.
Published today, latest analysis on rural fuel poverty.
Statistics published on the proportion of households in fuel poverty in rural and urban areas and the average fuel poverty gap.
We’ve changed how we’ve organised rural statistics and updated the content following Lord Cameron’s review of rural proofing.
First published.