Historical statistical notices on Total Income from Farming in England
Previously published copies of the National Statistics publication on 'Total Income from Farming' in England, a measure of the performance of the agricultural industry.
Applies to England
This document page includes previously published aggregate account statistics (2017+ data).
The aggregate account of the UK agriculture sector, known as Total Income from Farming (TIFF), is a measure of the performance of the whole agricultural industry. Aggregate agricultural accounts are a tool for analysing the economic situation of agriculture and are used to support policy making in the UK and EU.
Earlier statistics were published as part of Agriculture in the English Regions series which can be found here.
This information is published biannually. These are national statistics and gives the figures available at the time of publication. The figures are subject to revision as new information becomes available.
The latest publication and accompanying data set can be found here.
For further information please contact:
Twitter: @DefraStats
Updates to this page
Update historic with TIFF in England for 2022 (Saved to National Archive).
Update historic TIFF for England page with 2021 html and charts.
Added the second estimate for 2020.
Added first estimate for 2020.
Added Total Income from Farming in England first estimate for 2019.
Added second estimate 2018 statistics notice.
Added Total Income from Farming in England, first estimate for 2018 - statistical notice.
First published.