
Aggregate agricultural accounts

Aggregate agricultural accounts for the United Kingdom, including total income from farming.

Aggregate agricultural accounts are a tool for analysing the economic situation of agriculture and are used to support policy making in the UK and EU. They include the aggregate income of the agriculture sector, known as Total Income from Farming (TIFF), a measure of the performance of the whole agricultural industry.


Historic statistics notices

Historic statistics notices published, from 2013, on total income from farming in the United Kingdom and agriculture in the English regions.

Updates to this page

Published 16 July 2013
Last updated 23 January 2020 show all updates
  1. Added link to Historical Total Income from Farming for the Regions of England series.

  2. Added link to the Total income from farming for the regions of England documents.

  3. Added link to Historical TIFF in England page.

  4. Added link to Total Income from Farming in England" web page.

  5. added link to historical total income from farming forecast estimates page.

  6. Under documents added link to Forecast estimate Total Income from Farming document page.

  7. Updated to include historic statistics notices for regional accounts.

  8. Updated to include historic notices published since April 2013.

  9. Updated Agriculture in the English regions to correct an error found in the original estimates.

  10. First published.