Accredited official statistics

Total income from farming in the UK

Annual statistics on 'Total Income from Farming', a measure of the performance of the UK agricultural industry.


Total income from farming - dataset

Total income from farming - machine-readable dataset

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Total income from farming - current terms table

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Total income from farming - real terms table

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This publication gives information about the aggregate income of the UK agriculture sector, known as Total Income from Farming (TIFF), a measure of the performance of the whole agricultural industry. Aggregate agricultural accounts are a tool for analysing the economic situation of agriculture and are used to support policy making in the UK and EU.

Total Income from Farming is income generated by production within the agriculture industry including subsidies and represents business profits and remuneration for work done by owners and other unpaid workers. It excludes changes in the values of assets, including stocks, due to price changes but includes non-agricultural activities such as further processing or tourist activities where these cannot be separated from the agricultural business. It is the preferred measure of aggregate income for the agricultural industry conforming to internationally agreed national accounting principles required by the UK National Accounts and by Eurostat.

The aggregate balance sheet for the United Kingdom agricultural industry values the total assets and liabilities for agriculture at the end of each calendar year and estimates the net worth of the industry.

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Next update: see the statistics release calendar

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Twitter: @DefraStats

Updates to this page

Published 30 April 2013
Last updated 6 June 2024 show all updates
  1. Added 2023 statistics notice and data.

  2. Added 2022 statistics notice and data.

  3. Updated with provisional estimate 2021 TIFF statistics and balance sheet statistics for 2021.

  4. Updated with second estimate 2020 TIFF statistics and balance sheet statistics for 2020.

  5. Added odt (open standards document) version of stats notice.

  6. Edited notice and dataset - published first estimate 2020 statistics.

  7. Replaced statistical notice and dataset with results for 2019, first estimate edition

  8. Correction to page 5, compensation of employees section. Corrected agriculture's employment share percentage.

  9. Correction to key points of statistical notice and formatting of dataset.

  10. Added latest statistical notice and datasets, 2018 (second estimate) figures.

  11. Replaced statistical notice and dataset to correct error in table 1, where units were incorrectly stated for TIFF per AWU.

  12. Updated with first estimate 2018 data.

  13. Replaced both statistical notice and dataset with 2nd estimate 2017 figures.

  14. Updated with TIFF, first estimate 2017 statistical notice and dataset.

  15. Published 2nd estimate 2016 statistical notice and dataset and balance sheet updated to include 2016 data.

  16. Corrected statistical notice issued, see correction note on front page of notice.

  17. Correction to units mentioned in AWU commentary.

  18. Updated with Total Income from Farming 2016, 1st estimate - statistical notice and dataset.

  19. Updated with second estimate for 2015 statistic notice and dataset plus 2015 balance sheet.

  20. Updated with first estimate for 2015 statistic notice.

  21. Total Income from Farming 2014 – 2nd estimate, United Kingdom and datasets published.

  22. The reason for the update is: Dataset updated due to correction to item 10, other agricultural activities, in both real and current account tables. There are no revisions to the accompanying statistic notice.

  23. Updated to include revised balance sheet figures as published in the AUK 2014 publication.

  24. Total income from farming in the UK 2014, 1st estimate published

  25. Update to email address on page.

  26. Updated edition for 2013.

  27. Updated to include aggregate balance sheet.

  28. Updated to include 1st estimate 2013 figures.

  29. Updated to include the second estimate of Total Income from Farming in the United Kingdom for 2012.

  30. Minor error in text corrected.

  31. Updated to include the first estimate of Total Income from Farming in the United Kingdom for 2012.

  32. First published.

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