Official Statistics

Statistical release: January to March 2024 (quarter 4, financial year 2023 to 2024)

Updated 31 July 2024

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

Housing Benefit (HB) is an income related benefit that is intended to help meet housing costs for rented accommodation.

This summary contains statistics on the average time taken (speed of processing) to process new HB claims and change of circumstances to existing HB claims for Great Britain. The average used is the mean and is measured in calendar days, rounded to the nearest day.

Reference to rolling average annual figures (covering the year up to each point) are included in this bulletin to smooth seasonality and illustrate the trend over time. For more information on this please see the background information note.

1. Main stories

The main stories for quarter 4 2023 to 2024 (January 2024 to March 2024) are:

  • the average speed of processing for new HB claims in the latest quarter is 19 calendar days. Over the last 12 months, the rolling average year-end figures have shown a slight decreasing trend

  • the average speed of processing for a change of circumstance to an existing HB claim is 3 calendar days in the latest quarter. Over the last 12 months, the rolling average year-end figures have remained relatively stable

2. Average speed of processing

Average quarterly speed of processing at GB level by claim type, with average year-end figures: quarter 1 2012 to 2013 to quarter 4 2023 to 2024

Note: Rolling average annual figures are included to smooth seasonality and illustrate the trend over time.

The average time taken to process a new HB claim during the latest quarter was 19 calendar days.

Historically, rolling average year-end speed of processing days for new HB claims show a decreasing trend to quarter 4 2019 to 2020, then a stable trend to quarter 2 2020 to 2021. From the year ending quarter 3 2020 to 2021, the rolling average number of processing days followed an increasing trend which reached a high at quarter 3 2022 to 2023. This coincided with changes to operational processes, including the reallocation of resource, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic conditions. In the latest year, the rolling average year-end figure shows a slightly decreasing trend.

The average number of days taken to process a change of circumstance to an existing HB claim during the latest quarter was 3 calendar days.

Rolling average year-end processing times for change of circumstances to existing HB claims peaked in the year ending quarter 1 2013 to 2014 then steadily decreased to quarter 3 2020 to 2021. Since quarter 4 2020 to 2021 the rolling average year-end figures showed the trend to be a slightly increasing one, however, this has since stabilised in the latest 12 months.

It is useful to note that in quarter 4 each year, the volume of change of circumstances to existing HB claims increases, due to the end of the financial year before the uprating of rent. However, the average number of days to process those claims decreases because LAs tend to allocate extra resource to process these changes. In the other quarters, the volume of change of circumstances to existing HB claims decrease and have a higher average speed of processing.

Focusing on monthly average processing times allows us to view in-quarter variation. In quarter 4 2023 to 2024, the monthly average number of calendar days to process new HB claims was:

  • 20 calendar days for January

  • 18 calendar days for February and

  • 19 calendar days for March

In quarter 4 2023 to 2024, the monthly average number of calendar days to process change of circumstances to existing HB claims was:

  • 6 calendar days for January

  • 3 calendar days for February and

  • 2 calendar days for March

3. Volumes of new HB claims and change of circumstances to existing HB claims

On average, LAs process a greater number of change of circumstances to existing HB claims than new HB claims.

Volume of HB Claims in GB, quarter 4 2023 to 2024

Type of Claim Number of Claims processed Proportion of Claims Processed
New HB Claims 100,000 3%
Change of Circumstances to existing HB Claims 3.3 million 97%

During the latest quarter there were 3.4 million HB claims processed. 100,000 (3%) were new HB claims and 3.3 million (97%) were change of circumstances to existing HB claims. This compares to 99,000 (3%) new HB claims and 3.4 million (97%) change of circumstances to existing HB claims a year earlier.

Total quarterly number of new HB claims processed and average year-end volumes: quarter 1 2012 to 2013 to quarter 4 2023 to 2024

Note: Rolling average annual figures are included to smooth seasonality and illustrate the trend over time.

During the latest quarter there were 100,000 new HB claims processed, which is an increase of 5,100 (5%) since last quarter, and an increase of 3,200 (3%) when compared to a year earlier.

Rolling average year-end figures showed a decreasing trend from quarter 1 2012 to 2013 up until the figure hit a low point at quarter 4 2021 to 2022.This has been followed by a slightly increasing trend.

It should be noted that the number of new HB claims processed is not comparable with the DWP HB caseload statistics. The total number of claims processed in these statistics include all HB claims processed regardless of outcome, whereas HB caseload statistics are HB claims which are live and in payment. This means that the numbers and trends described in this release may be different to those described in the HB caseload statistics.

Total quarterly number of change of circumstances to existing HB claims processed and average year-end volumes: quarter 1 2012 to 2013 to quarter 4 2023 to 2024

Note: Rolling average annual figures are included to smooth seasonality and illustrate the trend over time.

During the latest quarter there were 3.3 million changes of circumstances for existing HB claims processed, which is an increase of 2.3 million (241%) since last quarter and a decrease of 120,000 (4%) when compared to a year earlier.

Historical rolling average year-end figures showed an increasing trend until quarter 2 2015 to 2016. Since then, the trend has been a gradually decreasing one, with the decline slowing in the latest two years.

It is useful to note that in quarter 4 each year, the volume of change of circumstances to existing HB claims increases sharply, due to the end of the financial year before the uprating of rent.

Percentage of claims processed by type (year-end figures): quarter 1 2012 to 2013 to quarter 4 2023 to 2024

Note: Figures are based on year-end data. Please see our background methodology note for more information about how we calculate year-end figures.

Since the 2012 to 2013 financial year, there have been a greater proportion of change of circumstances to existing HB claims processed, compared with new HB claims. Rolling average year-end figures show a very gradual decrease in the percentage of new claims processed when compared with change of circumstances until quarter 3 2019 to 2020. The proportions remained relatively stable until quarter 3 2020 to 2021, but since then the proportion of new claims when compared to change of circumstances has shown a gradually increasing trend.

The changes in volume of both new HB claims and change of circumstances to existing HB claims are due to the impact of the Universal Credit (UC) roll-out, which has also affected figures reported at the LA level. The rollout of UC was completed in December 2018 and now the majority of new applications for help with housing costs are processed through UC across GB and only claims made in particular circumstances are eligible for HB.

Over time volumes of both new HB claims and change of circumstances to existing HB claims have changed, but at different rates. This is due to the change in the types of claims being processed. For example, changes to a claimant’s circumstances may lead to a claimant being moved to UC, however, there are a small number of people that are still able to apply for HB, including pensioners, who have fewer changes to declare, and working age claimants who are in supported, specified or temporary accommodation. Read about who can get Housing Benefit.

4. Average speed of processing by Local Authority

Quarterly average number of days to process new HB claims and change of circumstances to existing HB claims can be illustrated at the LA level for GB. For a more detailed breakdown see table 1 of the accompanying data tables.

Average speed of processing at local authority level for new HB claims: quarter 4 2023 to 2024

Note: LAs will be shaded grey in the above map when data is missing or omitted.

Details for the average speed of processing for individual LAs can be seen in table 1 of the accompanying data tables.

On average a new HB claim takes longer to process than a change of circumstance to an existing HB claim. Detailed figures in the accompanying data tables show greater variability for new HB claims in comparison to change of circumstances to existing HB claims.

The quarterly average number of days to process new HB claims at the LA level ranged from 4 to 69 calendar days during quarter 4 2023 to 2024:

  • 83 (24%) of LAs took on average between 4 to 13 calendar days

  • 166 (48%) of LAs took on average between 14 to 22 calendar days

  • 99 (28%) of LAs took on average between 23 to 69 calendar days.

Variations between the average number of days that each LA takes to process a new HB claim or a change of circumstance to an existing HB claim should be seen in context with changes relating to operational processes, including conversions of computer systems and LA mergers.

Average speed of processing at local authority level for change of circumstances to existing HB claims: quarter 4 2023 to 2024

Note: LAs will be shaded grey in the above map when data is missing or omitted.

Details for the average speed of processing for individual LAs can be seen in table 1 of the accompanying data tables.

The quarterly average number of days to process change of circumstances to existing HB claims at the LA level ranged from 1 to 14 calendar days during quarter 4 2023 to 2024:

*309 (89%) of LAs had a quarterly average number of 1 to 4 calendar days

  • 34 (10%) of LAs took on average between 5 to 9 calendar days

  • 5 (1%) LA took an average of 10 to 14 calendar days

5. Average speed of processing and volumes of new HB claims and changes of circumstances to existing HB claims by working age and pension age.

Average speed of processing for new HB claims and changes of circumstances to existing HB claims by working age and pension age: quarter 4 2023 to 2024

The average time taken to process a new HB claim in the latest quarter is 19 days. This comprises of an average time of:

  • 18 days for working age claimants
  • 22 days for pension age claimants

For change of circumstances to existing claims, the average speed of processing is 3 days in the latest quarter. This comprises of an average time of:

  • 4 days for working age claimants
  • 2 days for pension age claimants

Volumes of new HB claims and changes of circumstances to existing HB claims by working age and pension age: quarter 4 2023 to 2024

In the latest quarter, there were 100,000 new HB claims processed by LAs. This comprises of:

  • 75,000 (74%) for working age claimants
  • 27,000 (26%) for pension age claimants

In the latest quarter there were 3.3 million changes of circumstances to existing claims processed by LAs in the latest quarter.

  • 1.8 million (53%) for working age claimants
  • 1.6 million (47%) for pension age claimants

6. What you need to know

This release contains Official Statistics on speed of processing of HB claims for quarter 4, 2023 to 2024. They are compiled following the standards of trustworthiness, quality and public value set out within the Code.

Our statistical practice is regulated by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR). OSR sets the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics that all producers of official statistics should adhere to. You are welcome to contact us directly with any comments about how we meet these standards. Alternatively, you can contact OSR by email or through the OSR website.

The statistics are released quarterly in April, July, October and January and are sourced from data originally collected via administrative systems, the Single Housing Benefit Extract.

The statistics show speed of processing of new HB claims and change of circumstances to existing HB claims. The volume of new HB claims and change of circumstances to existing HB claims are also included here for context. The total days to process are included in supporting detailed tables that can be viewed in the HB: Statistics on speed of processing collection page including a breakdown at LA level.

Genuine variations between months can occur at a LA level. For example, some of these are caused by time limited issues or localised changes in operational policy. Hence, figures for individual LAs should be interpreted with care.

Quarterly and annual totals may not be entirely consistent with monthly figures. This is because any LAs that do not have data for every month of the quarter or year are not included in the quarterly or annual breakdowns. Average year-end figures include data over the previous 12 months, but there may be inconsistencies where LAs do not have available data for the period.

From April 2013, UC was introduced. Read more about UC. The process of migrating claimants to UC began with single claimants and was expanded to other claimant types via the UC Full Service (UCFS). The UCFS rollout was completed in December 2018 and it is now available in every Jobcentre across the UK. Read the rollout schedule for Full Service. UCFS implementation dates for each LA are provided in the accompanying data tables for this release.

Figures included in this bulletin are rounded in line with our rounding policy as outlined below and in our background methodology note.

Range Rounded to the nearest
0 to 1,000 10
1,001 to 10,000 100
10,001 to 100,000 1,000
100,001 to 1,000,000 10,000
1,000,001 to 10,000,000 100,000
10,000,001 to 100,000,000 1,000,000

Quality of Local Authority data

It is worth noting that speed of processing times are derived from LA administrative systems. Sometimes changes to LAs’ IT processes and system conversions can result in higher levels of LA speed of processing times for months while these changes are taking place. Sometimes we need to omit certain LA data due to concerns over the quality of the data however the omission of LA data does not change the story in the release but can sometimes have a slight impact on regional level figures.

7. Where to find out more

Background methodology note

Read the background information on statistics for the average time taken to process HB claims (previously right time indicator statistics).

Other Official Accredited and Official Statistics

DWP publish HB Caseload Official Accredited Statistics. The statistics are published quarterly showing monthly caseload figures which are measured on a claimant basis.

Full statistics on HB caseload since August 2013 are available from Stat-Xplore and Excel.

Benefit Combination Official Statistics are included as part of the quarterly DWP benefits statistics collection and show the combinations of benefits that people claim at any point in time for almost all benefits administered by DWP.

DWP also publish HB Debt Recovery Official Accredited Statistics, showing fraud volumes and incorrectly overpaid benefit based on data from LAs.

Read details of other Official Accredited and Official Statistics produced by the DWP.

Historical data

The historical Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit Claims Administration Quarterly Performance Data which is available from 2007 to 2008 are based on clerical returns made by individual LAs.

Breakdowns of New HB Claims and Change of Circumstances to existing HB Claims Speed of Processing are available historically, and the New HB Claims Speed of Processing are broadly comparable over time. However, a change in definition for Change of Circumstances to existing HB Claims between 2007 to 2008 and 2009 to 2010 means that direct comparison of this element with Speed of Processing statistics is not meaningful.

DWP publication guidance

Read the DWP statistical summary policies and statements for information about policies and procedures on DWP National and Official Statistics, including a Quality Guideline, Confidentiality and Access Policy Statement, pre-release access arrangements and Statement of Administrative Sources.


DWP welcomes feedback on all the statistical publications as it ensures that publications remain relevant to the users. Please use the HB Speed of Processing questionnaire to send us any specific feedback that you may have on this publication. DWP will use the information to:

  • target future consultations at interested users

  • shape the future direction of statistics development to address user needs; help ensure value for money, whilst giving users a structured way of expressing their views

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Producers of this release: Michael Agholor

Lead statistician: Kate Walker

ISBN: 978-1-78659-696-3