Latest accredited official statistics on tuberculosis (TB) in cattle in Great Britain - quarterly
Quarterly statistics on tuberculosis (TB) in cattle in Great Britain.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
This series includes the accredited official statistic publications on tuberculosis (TB) in cattle (bovine TB) in each of the three countries in Great Britain: England, Scotland, Wales. The statistics are reported at the county level for all countries, at the TB risk area level for England, and at the TB area level for Wales. It is important to note that TB control is a devolved policy, and as such control policies differ across the three countries as outlined in the releases and supplementary material. The interactive dashboard here is another way of viewing the statistics by county and risk area.
For further information you can contact:
X: @DefraStats
Updates to this page
Updated to Q4 2024 data.
Added CTA box to highlight date of publication change.
Updated to Q3 2024 data.
Language updated in landing page to make clear that the stats presented in this collection are the country and county level.
Updated to Q2 2024 data.
Updated to Q1 2024 data.
Correction notice and revised documentation to quarterly statistics added.
Updated with quarter 4 2023.
Updated with data for Q3 2023.
Update with data for 2nd Quarter of 2023 - to June 2023.
Update for March 2023.
Updated with data for Q4 2022.
Updated with data for Q4 2022.
Updated to add data for Q4 2022.
Edited to include data to September 2022.
Updated to include data up until June 2022.
Updated to include data to March 2022.
Edited to include data to December 2021.
Updated to include September 2021 statistics.
Edited to include quarter 2, 2021 figures.
Updated with latest statistical notices for TB in cattle in Great Britain.
Edited statistical notice and overview documents, figures to December 2020 included.
The interactive dashboard is now available.
Note added to say the interactive dashboard is temporarily offline.
Updated statistics notice which includes data to September 2020. GB and England overview documents updated as well.
Edited all files - updated to include data up to Quarter 2 2020 (June 2020).
Edited details on web page to inform users that the interactive dashboard is temporarily only available through Internet Explorer.
Updated statistics notice which includes data to March 2020. GB and England overview documents updated as well.
Added latest quarterly statistical notice and overviews, figures to December 2019.
Updated with Quarter 3 2019 statistical release.
Added latest statistical notice and datasets.
Statistics notice replaced with figures to March 2019 (Q1, 2019) and overview documents updated.
Updated with quarterly statistics notice quarter 4 (end December 2018) figures and quarterly overview for England and GB .
Updated with quarterly statistics notice and quarterly overview for England to include quarter 3 figures. Added GB quarterly review document.
Added Quarterly overview.
Updated with statistical release to end of June 2018.
Updated with Quarterly statistical notice to end March 2018.
Replaced statistical notice with data up to December 2017.
Updated with quarterly statistical notice to September 2017.
Updated with Quarterly statistical notice to June 2017.
Updated page text to reflect national statistics in body text and replaced the notice to correct broken link.
Updated with latest quarterly statistics up to March 2017.
Updated with monthly statistical notice for February 2017, and monthly country and county datasets.
Updated TB in cattle in Great Britain - GB by country dataset.
Updated with monthly statistical notice for January 2017, and monthly country and county datasets
Updated with quarterly statistic notice and accompanying datasets.
Updated with monthly statistical notice for November 2016, and monthly country and county datasets.
Updated with monthly statistical notice for October 2016, and monthly country and county datasets.
Updated with quarterly statistic notice and accompanying datasets.
Updated with monthly statistical notice for August 2016, and monthly country and county datasets.
Updated monthly statistics notice and associated country & county datasets to include figures to July 2016.
Updated quarterly statistics notice and associated country & county datasets to include figures to June 2016.
Updated with statistic notice and datasets to include May 2016 figures.
Updated with monthly statistical release for end of April, and updated datasets.
Updated quarterly statistics and datasets.
Updated to include February 2016 figures.
Updated with monthly statistical release for January, and updated datasets.
Quarterly TB in cattle in Great Britain statistics release (data to December 2015) and datasets published.
Updated to include November 2015 figures.
Reissued quarterly statistics notice (data up to September 2015) updated datasets.
The statistics will be reissued on 13 January 2015.
Revised statistics release and datasets publsihed; statement made in detail section.
Quarterly TB in cattle in Great Britain statistics release (data to September 2015) and dataset published.
Incidence of TB in cattle, Great Britain: data to August 2015 published.
Incidence of TB in cattle, Great Britain: data to July 2015 published.
Incidence of TB in cattle, Great Britain: data to June 2015 published.
Updated to include May 2015 data.
Background and methodology of the National Statistics on the incidence of tuberculosis (TB) in cattle in Great Britain updated.
Updated with latest monthly figures for April.
Updated with March 2015 figures.
Updated with February 2015 figures.
Updated with January 2015 figures.
Updated with December 2014 figures.
Text and link to consultation added.
Updated with November 2014 figures.
Updated to include link to quality assurance and data handbook
Updated to include breach announcement.
Updated with October 2014 figures.
Updated with September 2014 figures, broken link to defunct UK National Statistics publication hub replaced with link to new Statistics Release Calendar.
Change of responsible Agency to APHA.
Updated to include August 2014 figures.
Updated to include July 2014 figures.
AHVLA documents have been re-assigned to the new Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).
Updated North of England dataset due to transposition of number of herds registered in North Yorkshire and Northumberland data.
Updated to include June figures.
Revised update.
Updated tb datasets.
Updated tb stats.
Updated with figures to April 2014.
Removed link to user survey as survey has now closed.
Updated to include breach announcement.
Updated to include March 2014 figures.
Updated to include statement on breach of statistics.
Updated to include February 2014 figures
Updated information in methodology report and links in datasets.
Updated with figures to January 2014.
Updated with figures to December 2013.
Added figures to November 2013 and details of revisions made to the statistics.
Updated with information for October 2013.
Updated an incorrect link in the statistics notice and data sets.
Added the latest National Statistics notice giving figures to September 2013, updated the data sets and added a document describing the background and methodology of the National Statistics on the Incidence of Tuberculosis (TB) in cattle in Great Britain.
Updated with statistics to August 2013.
Updated to include figures to July 2013.
Updated to include June 2013 figures.
First published.
Updated to include figures for May 2013.
updated figures for April 2013
Updated with figures to March 2013.
Updated with figures for February 2013.
Problems accessing spreadsheets have been fixed, and message removed.
Updated to tell users having problems accessing the spreadsheets to contact us via email.
Regular monthly update.