Individual Insolvencies by Location, England and Wales, 2012
Official statistics for individual insolvencies, broken down by region and parliamentary constituency
Individual insolvencies by region
Statistics for total individual insolvencies, bankruptcy orders, debt relief orders and individual voluntary arrangements in England and Wales by geographical areas, down to local authority level, were published by the Insolvency Service on 12 July 2013.
These statistics provide new figures for the calendar year 2012 and a revised time series back to 2000. They show the number of new cases and rate per 10,000 adult population for each region, county, unitary authority and local authority. They update the figures for 2000 to 2011 to include revisions to the underlying population statistics.
View an Interactive map showing the rate per 10,000 adult population for each individual insolvency type for 2000 to 2012 for each local authority in England and Wales.
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Individual insolvencies by parliamentary constituency
Statistics for total individual insolvencies, bankruptcy orders, debt relief orders and individual voluntary arrangements by parliamentary constituency were published by the Insolvency Service on 11 December 2013.
These statistics provide an additional geographical breakdown of the data published in July 2013. These supplementary statistics show the number of new cases and rate per 10,000 adult population for each parliamentary constituency.