Interim retention measure for school sixth forms: 2013 to 2014
The proportion of courses completed at school and academy sixth-forms during the 2013 to 2014 academic year.
Applies to England
This statistical first release (SFR) sets out the proportion of academic and vocational courses completed by 16- to 19-year-olds.
The qualifications it covers include:
- A levels
- AS levels
- a range of other academic and vocational qualifications
We previously published qualification success rates for schools, but no longer do so.
We’re developing a new retention measure to replace qualification success rates as part of planned reforms to the 16 to 19 accountability system from 2016.
To prepare for the new retention measure, this interim retention measure is based on the retention element of qualification success rates.
Contact details
QSR report team
Telephone: Kate Manton 020 7340 7079