Official Statistics

Journey time statistics: 2015 (revised)

Statistics for small areas on journey times to a range of key local services.




This release was originally published on 27 April 2017. It was withdrawn due to missing rail data in the public transport network which is used in the journey times model and has now been republished with minor revisions. The revisions affect a small number of journey times using the public transport and walk mode. In the majority of cases the quickest journey is made by walking or taking the bus, and therefore will be unaffected by changes to rail data.

Journey times to key services by public transport, car and cycle in England for 2015.

Average minimum journey times across 8 key services by public transport and walking were:

  • 15 minutes in urban areas
  • 29 minutes in rural areas

Average minimum journey times to key services were:

  • 17 minutes by public transport and walking
  • 15 minutes by cycle
  • 10 minutes by car

Also in 2015:

  • 22% of people lived within an hour of a major airport by public transport
  • 63% of people lived within an hour of a major airport by car
  • 70% of people lived within an hour of a major station by public transport
  • 91% of people lived within an hour of a major station by car

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Published 13 July 2017

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