National curriculum assessments: key stage 2, 2017 (revised)
Revised information on the 2017 national curriculum assessments at key stage 2, including breakdowns by pupil characteristics.
Applies to England
Revised results for key stage 2 (11-year-olds) at national, regional and local authority level. Results are also broken down by pupil characteristics.
It includes test results for:
- reading
- mathematics
- grammar, punctuation and spelling
It covers teacher assessments in:
- reading
- writing
- mathematics
- science
It also includes figures on pupils’ progress between key stage 1 and key stage 2.
Figures update provisional figures released on 31 August 2017.
Primary attainment statistics team
Telephone: Gemma Coleman 020 7783 8239
Updates to this page
Replaced 'National tables: SFR69/2017' with updated version. Added table N15 with KS2 reading test attainment by prior phonics attainment.
Added additional underlying data to include LA district level information broken down by free school meals (FSM) and pupil disadvantage.
Added data table on progress by characteristics by school type breakdowns (Table N14) and updated underlying data to include LA attainment breakdowns by characteristics for individual subjects.
First published.