Personal Independence Payment statistics to July 2022
Quarterly statistics including numbers of claims with entitlement, new claim registrations, decisions and awards made.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
The latest release of these statistics can be found in the collection of Personal Independence Payment statistics.
These official statistics include data up to 31 July 2022 for:
- caseloads (cases with entitlement)
- registrations
- clearances and awards, including award types & review periods
- award reviews and changes of circumstance
- mandatory reconsiderations
- average clearance times and average outstanding times
- mandatory reconsideration clearance times
- customer journey statistics (experimental) tracking initial decisions following a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessment through to mandatory reconsideration and appeal
Expected changes in future releases
From the September 2022 release onwards, the following changes have been made to reflect the change in Scotland from PIP to Adult Disability Payment:
- commentary in the main body of this release focusses on statistics for England & Wales, with a new separate section covering Scotland.
- Stat-Xplore continues to hold figures for Scotland alongside England & Wales. A new high level geography breakdown has been added to allow users to easily select people with “DWP policy ownership” (England, Wales, plus abroad/unknown cases) or “Policy devolved to Scotland” (those residing in Scotland but with their PIP claim still administered by DWP). Footnotes have been added to alert users to the changes in Scotland.
- static tables published as ODS/Excel files have been split to give an England & Wales version and a Scotland version.
This approach allows users to access statistics for all PIP cases administered by DWP, but focuses commentary on trends affecting cases in England & Wales, while also showing the depleting caseload in Scotland.
Feedback and queries
If you have any queries or feedback about existing PIP Official Statistics, or the changes proposed above, please email
Updates to this page
Published a revised version of the July 2022 England & Wales data tables - corrected a minor error in column I of table 5F_(ii) whereby the data in Column I contained incorrect values. These were first published in September 2022.
First published.