Personal Independence Payment statistics
Statistics on Personal Independence Payment new claims and Disability Living Allowance claim reassessments.
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can help with extra living costs if you have both:
- a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability
- difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition
The PIP Accredited Official Statistics cover:
- claimants entitled to PIP (caseload)
- registrations
- clearances and awards including award types and review periods
- award review and change of circumstance registrations and clearances
- mandatory reconsiderations
- average clearance times and average outstanding times
- mandatory reconsideration (MR) clearance times
- customer journey statistics (tracking of initial decisions and award review outcomes following a PIP assessment through to MR and appeal)
Find future release dates in the statistics calendar and more about DWP statistics on the Statistics at DWP page.
Read the Personal Independence Payment guidance for information about PIP, including how to claim PIP or report a change of circumstances.
Email with feedback and queries about the PIP statistics. We are only able to reply to questions about the statistics.
Users can also send their views about the statistics using our user feedback questionnaire.
Explore the statistics with our interactive tool
Use Stat-Xplore for detailed breakdowns including regional, local authority and Parliamentary constituency data.
A user guide is available for those who need guidance about Stat-Xplore.
A PIP-specific Stat-Xplore user guide is also available.
Latest release
Related publications
DWP publish historic and forecast benefit expenditure and caseload data which is usually consistent with the annual Budget and Autumn Statement.
Ad hoc analyses, statistics and management information
Ad hoc publications are additional analyses that are not included in our official statistics publications.
Previous releases
Updates to this page
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to January 2025).
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to October 2024).
Added information about the 'PIP Cases with Entitlement' dataset on Stat-Xplore being re-instated and split into 2 separate series.
Added a note about an issue with the 'PIP Cases with Entitlement' dataset on Stat-Xplore.
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to July 2024).
'PIP data on Stat-Xplore: User guide' added to collection.
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to April 2024).
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to January 2024).
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to October 2023).
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to July 2023).
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to April 2023).
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to January 2023).
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to October 2022).
Updated Personal Independence Payment statistics to reflect the change in Scotland from PIP to Adult Disability Payment. And added Personal Independence Payment statistics to July 2022.
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to April 2022).
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to January 2022).
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to October 2021). Also added a link to the latest release of DWP management information for the PIP administrative exercise (with data at 1 November 2021).
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to to July 2021).
Added a note about planned changes to the next release of Personal Independence Payment statistics, due for publication on 14 September 2021.
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to to April 2021).
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data to to January 2021).
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data for April 2013 to October 2020).
Added information about the next release of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) statistics (to be published on 15 December 2020). This release will, for the first time, include annual statistics on “Rising 16” outcomes for child DLA claimants reaching age 16 and applying to PIP.
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data for April 2013 to July 2020).
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data for April 2013 to April 2020).
Added a note about the additional information that will be included in the next release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (to be published on 11 June 2020).
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data for April 2013 to January 2020).
Added a new release of PIP administrative exercise: progress on cases cleared information (with data to 5 January 2020).
Corrected link to the annual statistics on the outcomes of Disability Living Allowance to Personal Independence Payment reassessments.
Added updated information about the breakdown of statistics and added latest release to the collection.
Added a note that the next release of these statistics will be on 13 December 2019.
Added a link to the latest release of Personal Independence Payment statistics (data for April 2013 to July 2019).
Added a new release of PIP administrative exercise: progress on cases cleared information (with data to 14 June 2019), following a previous publication in December 2018.
Added a link to the latest Personal Independence Payment statistics (data for April 2013 to April 2019).
Added information that the PIP quarterly experimental statistics cover mandatory reconsideration clearance times broken down by: 1) new claims and DLA re-assessment claims, and 2) geographical region, local authority area and parliamentary constituency.
Added latest Personal Independence Payment statistics for April 2013 to January 2019.
Published ad hoc release of DWP management information 'PIP administrative exercise: progress on cases cleared'.
Added ad hoc release of DWP management information 'PIP administrative exercise: progress on cases cleared'.
Added a note that the next release of PIP quarterly experimental statistics (on 11 December 2018) will also cover award review registrations and clearances by: geographical region, local authority area and parliamentary constituency, main disability category, age and gender.
Added latest Personal Independence Payment statistics for April 2013 to July 2018.
Added latest Personal Independence Payment statistics, April 2013 to April 2018.
Added latest Personal Independence Payment statistics, April 2013 to January 2018.
Added Personal Independence Payment: April 2013 to October 2017 statistics.
Added Personal Independence Payment: April 2013 to July 2017 statistics.
Added Personal Independence Payment: April 2013 to April 2017.
Added Personal Independence Payment: April 2013 to January 2017 statistics.
Added Personal Independence Payment: April 2013 to October 2016 statistics.
Added note - On 14 December 2016, new statistics will be published on the outcomes of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to Personal Independence Payment (PIP) reassessments.
Added Personal Independence Payment: April 2013 to July 2016 statistics.
Published statistics on 'Personal Independence Payment: data to April 2016'.
Published statistics on 'Personal Independence Payment: data to January 2016'.
Published statistics on 'Personal Independence Payment: data to October 2015'.
Published latest PIP statistics to July 2015.
Added note to PIP quarterly experimental official statistics: PIP payment statistics currently include a small number of cases which may not be in payment but are still shown as “live” on the PIP computer system awaiting payment processing action. We are considering how best to reflect these cases in a revised series of statistics as part of the next quarterly release in September 2015.
Published statistics on 'Personal Independence Payment: data to April 2015'.
Published statistics on 'Personal Independence Payment: data to March 2015'.
Published Personal Independence Payment (PIP) statistics to January 2015 and updated PIP statistics release strategy.
Published information relating to latest PIP new claims ad hoc statistics publication.
Added link to ad hoc statistical release supporting discussion and sharing of data at the Work and Pensions Select Committee.
Announced the publication of an ad hoc PIP statistics release on 28 January 2015.
Added experimental official statistics on Personal Independence Payment: April 2013 to October 2014.
Announced the next PIP statistics publication date (17 Dec 2014), that the next release will include more detailed statistics on medical conditions and the intention to include PIP claim clearance times from March 2015.
Added experimental official statistics on Personal Independence Payment for the period March 2013 to July 2014.
Published date of next set of experimental official statistics to be published - Wednesday 17 September 2014.
Published DWP's first set of experimental official statistics on Personal Independence Payment (caseload to 28 February 2014).
Link added to ad-hoc statistic Personal Independence Payment: Management Information
Update added regarding the strategy for the release of official statistics relating to Personal Independence Payment
First published.