Official Statistics

Primary school performance tables: 2011

Achievements of pupils in each state-funded primary school in England.


Primary school performance tables: 2011


Reference Id: OSR28/2011

Publication Type: performance tables

Publication data: local authority data

Local Authority data: LA data

Region: England

Release Date: 15 December 2011

Coverage status: final/provisional

Publication Status: published

The primary performance tables provide information on the achievements of pupils in primary schools, how they compare with other schools in the local authority (LA) area and in England as a whole.

The tables show:

  • results from the key stage 2 tests in English and mathematics
  • teacher assessments in English, mathematics and science
  • key stage 1-2 progress measures in English and mathematics
  • information showing how the performance of disadvantaged pupils compares against other pupils in the school
  • information which highlights any differences in the performance of low-attaining pupils, high-attaining pupils, and pupils performing at expected levels

There will additional data on schools which includes:

  • information on the expenditure of each maintained school open for the full 2010 to 2011 financial year. The expenditure data will take the form of spend-per-pupil statistics for a wide range of expenditure categories including: funding and income, education staff spend and learning resources and curriculum spend. The school spend data will also contain information about the school (such as the proportion of pupils in the school eligible for free school meals), headline key stage 2 performance data and comparisons against the local authority and national averages
  • the numbers of teachers, teaching assistants and other school staff. It also provides the pupil-to-teacher ratio and the mean gross salary of full-time teachers
  • information on the characteristics of the pupils attending the school
  • pupil absence data for each school

Further information on performance tables is also available.

Lucy Cuppleditch
0207 340 7119

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Published 15 December 2011

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