Pupil absence in schools in England: autumn term 2013
Levels of overall, authorised and unauthorised absence by school type, with indicative statistics on persistent absentees.
Applies to England
This is the reissued version of the Pupil Absence in Schools in England: Autumn Term 2013 release. This reissue follows the withdrawal of the original version on 22 May 2014 due to an error relating to a number of schools being incorrectly excluded from the dataset.
There has been no significant revision to headline absence rates or the main trends in the original release:
overall absence rate in autumn 2013: unrevised at 4.3%
persistent absence rate in autumn 2013: revised up by 0.1 percentage points to 4.7% (from 4.6%)
However, as noted when the release was withdrawn, the number of pupil enrolments who are, or may become persistent absentees has been revised up from 278,305 to 293,435. Although revised upwards, this is still significantly lower than the equivalent figure for 2012 (396,450).