School workforce in England: November 2018
Single reference for all school workforce statistics based on staff working in publicly funded schools in England.
Applies to England
This publication sets out the:
- numbers of, and full time equivalent (FTE) numbers of teachers and support staff in service
- number of entrants to, and leavers from, teaching
- teacher retention
- characteristics of teachers and support staff, including gender, age and ethnic group
- teachers’ pay
- teachers’ qualifications
- curriculum taught by secondary school teachers
- teacher vacancies
- teacher sickness absence
- pupil-to-teacher ratios
The release also includes information underlying the national tables at:
- individual school level
- local authority level
- regional level
Teachers and teaching statistics team
Telephone: Alicia Heptinstall 07392 135876
Updates to this page
Updated 'Regional, LA and school tables: school workforce census 2018' and 'Methodology: school workforce census 2018'.
Replaced 'Main tables: school workforce census 2018' with updated versions due to incorrect index.
Added revised subnational school workforce census data 2010 to 2018 and explanatory note.
First published.