Accredited official statistics

Pre-release access list: school workforce census 2018

Updated 9 October 2019

Applies to England

Besides Department for Education professional and production staff, the following post holders are given pre-release access up to 24 hours before the release:

  • Secretary of State for Education
  • Minister of State for School Standards
  • Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the school system
  • Special Advisor (3 recipients)
  • Permanent Secretary
  • Deputy Permanent Secretary
  • Deputy Director for Accountability and Inspection
  • Deputy Director for the Strategy, Design and Portfolio Division
  • Deputy Director, Teacher Workforce Division
  • Deputy Director, Teaching Workforce Directorate
  • Deputy Director, Teaching Workforce Directorate
  • Deputy Director, Teaching Workforce Strategy and Briefing Unit
  • Director of Teaching Workforce
  • Director of Teaching Workforce
  • Grade 6, Accountability and Inspection Team
  • Grade 6, ITT strategic planning
  • Grade 7, Teacher Pay and Conditions team
  • Head of pupils, schools and characteristics
  • Head of Special Advisers’ Office
  • Head of Teacher Diversity, Flexibility and Wellbeing Unit
  • Head of the Teachers’ Pay and Conditions policy team
  • Policy Advisor, Teacher Recruitment and Retention
  • Policy Advisor, Teacher Reward and Incentives Division
  • Policy Advisor, Teacher Workload and Impact on Schools Team
  • Policy Lead, Flexible Work, Teacher Returners and Gender Pay Gap
  • Chief Press officer
  • Press officer (2 recipients)
  • Private Secretary to Lord Agnew
  • Private Secretary to the Minister of State for School Standards
  • Private Secretary to the Permanent Secretary
  • Schools Policy Advisor
  • Teaching Workforce Strategy and Briefing Unit
  • Team leader for teachers, Delivery Unit
  • Team leader, Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Financial Incentives and Funding
  • Team leader, International Teacher Recruitment
  • Team leader, ITT: National policy, content and quality