Search and rescue helicopter annual statistics: year ending March 2023
Civilian search and rescue helicopter activity statistics in the United Kingdom, Year ending March 2023.
Statistics on civilian search and rescue helicopter (SARH) activity in the United Kingdom, based on details of taskings recorded by the Aeronautical Rescue Coordination Centre (ARCC).
For the year ending March 2023:
there were 2,580 civilian SARH taskings
Prestwick base was the busiest of the 10 bases, responding to 396 taskings
there were 1,466 people rescued and 527 people assisted across all taskings
There was a 6% decrease in taskings compared to the year ending March 2022. The majority of taskings were classified as rescue or recovery (1,316), followed by support (570), search (412) and pre-arranged transfers (282).
Notes and guidance
Notes and definitions and a report about the quality of these statistics is available.
Interactive dashboard
Explore the data via our interactive search and rescue helicopter statistics dashboard covering SARH taskings from April 2015 onwards.
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Search and rescue helicopter statistics
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