Search and rescue helicopter bi-annual statistics: April to September 2019
Civilian search and rescue helicopter activity statistics in the United Kingdom, from April to September 2019.
Statistics on civilian search and rescue helicopter (SARH) activity in the United Kingdom, based on details of taskings recorded by the Aeronautical Rescue Coordination Centre (ARCC).
During April to September 2019:
- there were 1,417 civilian SARH taskings
- Newquay responded to the most taskings (197)
- 56% of taskings involved rescue or recovery
- land and coastal based taskings accounted for 48% and 36% of all taskings respectively, with 16% of taskings being maritime
- 916 people were rescued and 141 people assisted across all taskings
- 352 (25%) taskings took place in beach or cliff areas
- 265 (19%) in mountainous areas
- 221 (16%) tasked to vessels in distress
- 579 (41%) recorded as other
Notes and guidance
Notes and definitions and guidance about quality of these statistics is available.
Interactive dashboard
Explore the data via our interactive search and rescue helicopter statistics dashboard covering SARH taskings from April 2015 onwards.
Changes to these statistics
As previously notified, the department has changed the frequency of the series to 2 reporting periods per year rather than 4. This will take the form of one release each summer and another in winter. We welcome any feedback from users on the new timings and presentation of the statistics. Please contact us by email.
Contact us
Search and rescue helicopter statistics
Media enquiries 0300 7777 878