Search and rescue helicopter annual statistics: year ending March 2018
Civilian search and rescue helicopter activity statistics in the United Kingdom from April 2017 to March 2018.
Statistics on civilian search and rescue helicopter activity in the United Kingdom, based on details of taskings recorded by the Aeronautical Rescue Coordination Centre (ARCC).
Explore the data via our interactive search and rescue helicopter statistics dashboard covering SARH taskings from April 2015 onwards.
In the year ending March 2018:
- there were 2,636 civilian SARH taskings
- Prestwick base was the busiest of the 10 bases, responding to 361 taskings
- 53% of taskings involved rescue or recovery
- land-based taskings accounted for 53% of all taskings
- 1,693 people rescued across all taskings
Following user engagement in March 2018, we are making some changes to the format of future SARH publications. Further details, and a summary of user feedback on these statistics, can be accessed via the guidance page.
These statistics are now designated as National Statistics. National Statistics are produced to high professional standards as set out in the Code of Practice for Statistics. They undergo regular quality assurance to ensure they meet customer needs.
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Search and rescue helicopter statistics
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