Sexually transmitted infections (STIs): annual data
Information on STI diagnoses and sexual health services provided in England by demographic characteristics and geographical region.
Download England STI slide set 2023 for presentational use.
Download STI and NCSP infographic 2023 for presentational use.
UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) collects data on all sexual transmitted infection (STI) diagnoses made at sexual health services in England. This page includes information on trends in STI diagnoses, as well as the numbers and rates of diagnoses by demographic characteristics and UKHSA public health region.
Data at lower and upper tier local authority is available from the Sexual and Reproductive Health Profiles.
Previously published STI data tables and outputs are available from the UK Government Web Archive.
Our statistical practice is regulated by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR). The OSR sets the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics that all producers of Official Statistics should adhere to.
Updates to this page
Updated 2023 annual report, tables and slide set with further breakdowns by sexual behaviour and gender identity; updated the quality and methodology report; added quality and methodology information for official statistics in development on STIs; and a link to the infographic.
Updated with 2023 STI data, annual report, quality and methodology information, pre-release access list, and added link to slide set. Previously published data revised to reflect resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning.
Added link to STI infographic 2022 under Details section.
Updated with 2022 STI data; annual report; pre-release access list; and added link to slide set. Previously published data revised to reflect resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning.
Updated with 2021 STI data; annual report; pre-release access list; and added links to infographic and slide set. Previously published data revised to reflect resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning.
Revised Table 1, 2, 4 and 7 due to a correction to the number of donovanosis diagnoses in England for the 2019 data.
Updated with 2020 STI data; annual report; pre-release access list; and added links to infographic and slide set. Revised previously published data to reflect resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning.
Added 2018 UK data tables. Minor edits to England STI slide set and tables 2 and 4.
Table 2 has been temporarily removed and will be republished after minor edits.
Updated with 2019 STI data; annual report; pre-release access list; and added links to infographic and slide set. Revised previously published data to reflect resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning.
Added ‘Table 5: selected STI diagnoses and rates in the UK by gender and age group, 2014 to 2018’.
Updated table 4 with missing cells for total chlamydia tests from non-specialist services in 2015 and the total number of HIV diagnoses in 2016.
Updated with 2018 STI data; health protection report; pre-release access list; and added links to the slideset and infographics. Revised previously published data to reflect resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning.
Updated with 2017 STI data; health protection report; pre-release access list; and added links to the slide set and infographic under Details section. Revised previously published data to reflect resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning.
Updated Table 9 with 2012 to 2016 UK STI data and added link to the ‘England STI slide set 2016’ under Details section.
Correction made to Table 7(b), Partner Notification (PN) Ratio for London in 2016.
Updated with 2016 STI data; health protection report; infographic; slide set. Revised previously published data to reflect resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning. Therefore data may differ from previous publications.
Updated Table 9 with 2011 to 2015 STI data.
Updated with 2015 infographic – STIs in England in PDF format.
Updated with 2015 England STI slideset in PowerPoint and PDF format.
Updated with 2015 STI data and revised previously published data to reflect clinic and laboratory resubmissions, and improvements to data cleaning. Therefore, data may differ from previous publications.
Added the 2014 England STI slide set.
Updated with 2014 STI data.
The England STI slide set has been added in Excel and PDF format.
First published.