Business population estimates: user engagement
Sets out how we meet the needs of users of the business population estimates and keep them up to date.
The terms of reference document explains the purpose of the Business Population and Demographics Statistics (BPDS) user group. In this forum users and statistics producers in BEIS and ONS meet to share information and discuss relevant issues. The user group helps to ensure compliance with the principle ‘V1 Relevance to users’, as listed in the Code of Practice for Statistics.
Further information
If you have any questions about the BPDS user group, please email
Minutes from earlier meetings of the BPDS group in the national archive are also available.
Updates to this page
We have added the minutes for the July 2018 BPDS user group.
Added minutes from the June 2017 user group meeting.
Added minutes from November 2016 user group meeting.
Added minutes of the business population and demographics statistics user group meeting for 20 May 2015.
Minutes of the third BPDS user group meeting added
Latest minutes to BPDS meeting
First published.