UK help and services in New Zealand

Services if you're visiting, studying, working or living in New Zealand. Includes information about trading with and doing business in the UK and New Zealand.

Emergency help for British nationals in New Zealand

Get help if you're the victim of crime, you've been arrested, or are affected by a crisis abroad.

Passports and emergency travel documents in New Zealand

Includes how to cancel a lost passport, renew a passport and apply for an emergency travel document.

Travelling to New Zealand

Includes travel advice and how to get married abroad.

Coming to the UK from New Zealand

Get a visa to study, work or visit the UK.

Living in New Zealand

Includes how to access healthcare, get a document legalised, lists of lawyers and how to vote abroad.

Tax, benefits, pensions and working abroad in New Zealand

Includes how to pay tax, claim State Pension and get tax credits abroad.

Birth, death and marriage abroad in New Zealand

Includes how to get married, list of funeral directors and how to register a birth abroad.

News and events in New Zealand

Find out about the UK government's diplomatic, security and development work in New Zealand.

Trade and invest: New Zealand

Includes investing and setting up a business in the UK and doing business in New Zealand.
  • DBT provides trade and investment services and practical support. We help UK companies succeed in New Zealand, and New Zealand companies set up and invest in the UK.

  • Information on security and political risks which UK businesses may face when operating in New Zealand.

  • Choosing a legal structure when you're starting a business: the differences between being a sole trader and a limited company, including legal risk, registration and taxes.

British embassy or high commission in New Zealand

Includes contact details, opening hours and consular fees and local services.