2018 Common land notices and decisions
Hearing and inquiry notices and decisions for common land applications within 2018.
Applies to England
The Planning Inspectorate is responsible for determining applications under the 2006 Act regarding common land in England, and several other pieces of legislation regarding commons and greens. All applications are determined on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).
Once the event has taken place the notice will be removed.
Updates to this page
COM/3211407 and COM/3205128 / COM/3205444 Decisions
COM/3192980, COM/3208297, COM/3210368 & COM/3212483 Decisions
COM/3202683 decision added
COM/3205547 decision added
COM/3209014 decision added
COM/3203592, COM/3199986 & COM/3204108 Decisions
COM/3202980, COM/3202300, COM/3209205, COM/3210271, COM/3208194 decisions added
COM/3205945, COM/3205462 & COM/3198278 Decisions added
COM/3205937 Decision added
The Green, Sharlston Decision
COM/3195184 decision added
COM/3204705 decision added
COM/3203832 & COM/319266 Decisions added
COM/3191795 decision added
COM/3187941 Decision added
COM/3195966 and COM/3193619 Decisions added
COM/3196953, COM/3191799 and COM/3188090 Decisions added
COM/3198290, COM/3196727 and COM/3200708 decisions published.
COM/3184726 decision added
COM/3200738 & COM/3193122 Decisions
COM/3200474 & COM/3189137 Decisions added
COM/3190392 Decision added
COM/3194624, COM/3183692 & COM/3175957 decisions added
COM/3197456 Decision added
COM/3196557 Decision
COM/3170236 decision added
COM/3195766 decision added
COM/3181327 Cancelled hearing and COM/3195730 new decision
COM/3195402 decision added
COM/3192533 & COM/3195163 Decisions added
COM/3187734 decision added
COM/3163771 Hearing postponed
COM/3178884 added
COM/3184303 Decision added
COM/3180684 Decision
Decision added
COM/3185373 Added
COM/3181327 hearing notice & COM/3188213 Decision
COM/3189910 and COM/3163648 decisions added
Hearing and decision notices added
COM/3189443 decision added
COM/3176468 Hearing notice removed as event cancelled
COM/3176676 and COM/3182314 decisions added
First published.