
Common land notices and decisions

Hearing and inquiry notices and decisions for common land applications.

All notices and decisions published from the1st January 2019 will be placed on the new 2019 Common land notices and decisions page

All notices and decisions published between 1st January - 31st December 2018 will be placed on the 2018 Common land notices and decisions page

Hearing and inquiry notices


* COM 402 Hoddlesden Moss, Blackburn with Darwen: Decision issued 29 January 2016 (PDF, 526 KB, 15 pages)

Decisions issued before June 2015 can be viewed on the National Archive website.

Declarations of exempt works

Updates to this page

Published 27 July 2015
Last updated 24 January 2018 show all updates
  1. COM/3176849 decision added

  2. New 2018 page information added

  3. COM/3187132 and COM/3179080 decisions added

  4. COM/3183093, COM/3179793 & COM/3185385 added

  5. COM/3176298 & COM/3176259

  6. COM/3182327 added

  7. COM/3183657 & COM/3181254 Decision added

  8. COM/3184709 Decision added

  9. COM/3170236 Inquiry notice and COM/3179558 decision added.

  10. COM/3183796 Decision added

  11. COM/3177709 Decision added

  12. COM/3176697, COM/3163719 Decisions added

  13. COM/3182676 decision added

  14. COM/3178929 added

  15. COM/3178567 decision added

  16. Decisions added - COM/3176855 & COM/3175951

  17. COM/3169414, COM/3180919, COM/3172239 and COM/3173206 decisions added

  18. COM/3171779 Inquiry Notice added

  19. COM/3181359 and COM/3171779 decisions added

  20. COM/3177508 & COM/3178660 decisions added

  21. COM/1371894 Decision added

  22. COM/31732563 & COM/3170402 Decisions added

  23. COM 3161430 & COM3154071 Decision added

  24. COM/3172502 added

  25. COM 3176136 added

  26. COM/3164135 decision added

  27. COM/3176291 Decision added

  28. COM/3174579 Decision added

  29. COM/3176580 Decision added

  30. COM/3170969 Decision

  31. COM/3167505 and COM/3162638 decisions

  32. COM/3164426, COM/3157359, COM/3168098 Decision

  33. COM/3163680, COM/3169134, COM/3163638 decisions added

  34. COM/3160859 & COM/3171502

  35. COM/3158741 & COM/3160861

  36. COM/3158039 Decision

  37. COM/3165309 & COM/3165310 added

  38. COM/3164404 added

  39. COM/3160328 decision added

  40. COM/3156299 added

  41. COM/3163996 added

  42. COM/3164597 added

  43. COM/3158795 and COM/3163455 added

  44. COM/3163240 & COM/3156521 added

  45. COM/3161972 added

  46. COM/3162208 & COM 3162212 added

  47. COM/3164688 added

  48. COM/3162912 and COM/3163213 added

  49. COM/3162749 and COM/3163225 added

  50. COM/3154098 decision added

  51. COM/3163022 decision added

  52. COM 3154071 and COM 3161430 Inquiry notice and COM/3154237 decision.

  53. COM/3162136 added

  54. COM/3158679 Decision added

  55. COM 763 added

  56. COM 775 decision added

  57. COM/3154213 added

  58. COM/3157656 added

  59. COM/3157571 added

  60. COM/3159922 added

  61. COM 713 added

  62. COM/3155642 added

  63. COM 788 added

  64. COM 790 added

  65. COM 344R, COM 797 And COM 783 added

  66. COM 3154100 Decision added

  67. Decisions COM 776, COM 765 & COM 729 added

  68. COM 791, COM 774 & COM782 added.

  69. Decisions added: COM 794, COM 796, COM/3153916, COM 3154065, COM 753

  70. COM 495 added

  71. COM 773 & COM 793 Added

  72. COM 792 Decision added and COM 783 Hearing notice added.

  73. COM 781 & 785 added

  74. COM 786 added

  75. COM 749 decision added

  76. COM 713 Hearing notice added

  77. COM 777 decision added

  78. COM 780 & COM 772 decision added

  79. COM 729/730 Hearing notice & COM 770 decision added

  80. COM 755 decision added

  81. COM767 & COM 768 Decisions added

  82. COM617 Decision added

  83. COM 776 Hearing notice added

  84. COM 651 Added

  85. COM 732 & COM 758 added

  86. COM 344R inquiry notice added

  87. COM 766, 740, 744 and 764 added

  88. Decision 762 added

  89. Decision 737 & 752 added

  90. 2 new Decsions added

  91. New decision added

  92. New decision added

  93. New decision added

  94. New decision added

  95. New decision added

  96. New inquiry notice added

  97. New decisions added

  98. New decision added

  99. New decision added

  100. New decision added

  101. New decisions added

  102. New decisions added

  103. New decisions addded

  104. New decisions added

  105. First published.

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