Accessibility support for Companies House users
How we help users who need assistance because of a disability or health condition.
Our services are designed to be accessible and easy to understand. We can also provide reasonable adjustments for users with:
- visual impairments
- auditory impairments
- motor impairments
- cognitive impairments
- speech impairments
- seizure disorders
- mental health conditions
For accessibility support, contact us:
- Telephone: 0303 1234 500
- Textphone and Relay UK number: 03003730995
- Welsh language: 0303 1234 500 (ask for a Welsh speaker)
You can also write to us:
Companies House
Crown Way
Cardiff CF14 3UZ
DX 33050
We’ll discuss what assistance we can provide to help you meet your responsibilities. With your permission, we’ll place a note on our internal system.
Example If you have impaired vision and would prefer us to contact you by phone - we can call to remind you when your confirmation statement or accounts are due.
Read our accessible documents policy to find out how accessible our documents are and what we’re doing to improve accessibility.
You can also make adjustments to your computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone to make it easier to use. AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability - for example, changing the colours of a website and helpful ways to make your keyboard, mouse and mobile device easier to use. It also gives guidance on using voice recognition to speak to your device.
British Sign Language (BSL)
Our video relay service allows Deaf BSL users to call Companies House through a team of SignVideo interpreters.
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6pm.
Using British Sign Language to contact Companies House.
User research and accessibility testing
When designing our services, our user researchers work hard to identify and understand our users. We gather insights through:
- surveys
- data analysis
- reviewing current behaviours
- usability sessions at various locations
- remote online testing
- speaking to and observing people at their place of work
We also test our services to make sure people with accessibility needs can use them.
We work with external agencies to recruit customers for usability research at major cities in the UK. We also recruit customers through our user panel, to take part in user sessions at our own usability lab in Cardiff.
You can read our blogs about usability to find out more about our user research work.
Updates to this page
New Relay UK number to replace minicom.
Users can contact Companies House using our British Sign Language (BSL) video relay service.
Added information on AbilityNet which gives advice on how to make your device easier to use if you have a disability.
Added translation
Welsh language telephone number updated.
Welsh translation added.
First published.