Making Tax Digital for VAT as an agent: step by step
Follow these steps if you’re an agent using Making Tax Digital for VAT on behalf of your clients.
All VAT registered businesses should now be signed up for Making Tax Digital for VAT. You no longer need to sign up clients.
HMRC will sign up all remaining businesses to Making Tax Digital for VAT automatically unless they are exempt or have applied for exemption.
Steps you need to take
Get the right software — you can search for software that is compatible with Making Tax Digital for VAT.
Create an agent services account — this is different to your HMRC online services for agents account.
Ask new clients to authorise you — select ‘Ask a client to authorise you’, create an authorisation request (this appears as a link) then send the link to your client.
Ask clients to authorise an agent to deal with Making Tax Digital for VAT — before you send VAT Returns, you’ll need to authorise your software. You can ask your software supplier if you do not know how.
You can manage your client’s details online once they have authorised you.
What new clients must do
To authorise you, new clients must make sure they use the link to respond to your request before it expires.
Find out how clients can authorise an agent for taxes that use the digital handshake.
Updates to this page
Guidance around agents copying VAT clients across to their agent services account has been removed. Agents can no longer do this.
All VAT customers should now be signed up for Making Tax Digital for VAT so the steps agents have to take have been updated.
All VAT registered businesses should now be signed up for Making Tax Digital for VAT. HMRC will automatically sign up all remaining businesses. You no longer need to do it yourself.
We have updated the guide to confirm that from 1 November 2022, you will not be able to use your existing VAT online account to send quarterly or monthly VAT returns. You need to sign up to Making Tax Digital (MTD) and use compatible software to keep your VAT records and file your VAT returns.
Information has been updated to reflect the fact that VAT registered businesses with taxable turnover below the registration threshold will also need to follow the Making Tax Digital rules from 1 April 2022.
We have added a link to guidance on how to authorise an agent to deal with certain tax services for you.
Added translation
Section 6 updated to 'Ask new clients to authorise you'.
A new section has been added about 'How to manage your client's details'.
Added translation
Added translation
Sign your client up at least 72 hours before their VAT Return is due, or 7 working days before if they pay by Direct Debit.
Businesses need to sign up for Making Tax Digital at least one week before their VAT Return is due.
First published.