Check if you can use your premises to start or end transit movements
Find out more about getting authorised consignor or consignee status to start or end transit movements at your own premises.
If you regularly move goods using transit, you can apply to HMRC to use your own premises rather than a customs office.
You can apply to:
- start movements as an authorised consignor
- end movements as an authorised consignee
Types of premises you can use
As well as your own premises, you can also use locations which are not owned or operated by you.
These locations can include:
- a client or customer’s premises
- an agent’s premises
- premises operated by a third-party service provider
You must have permission to use each location.
You must also make sure you can:
- control the goods at that location
- provide suitable and safe access and facilities for customs officials to carry out inspections of the goods
Starting transit movements from your premises or a customs facility
You’ll need to apply for authorised consignor status to start transit movements from your premises.
You can also apply to use an approved customs facility such as a:
- warehouse
- designated export place
- temporary storage facility
As an authorised consignor, you’ll be able to:
- declare goods without presenting them at the customs office
- print the transit accompanying document (TAD) and (where applicable) the list of items, at the consignor’s premises
- remove goods under customs control directly from their authorised location
Check if you can apply for a guarantee waiver
You can check if you can apply for a guarantee waiver of 50%, 70%, or 100% of the guarantee reference amount. This can reduce the amount your guarantor needs to provide depending on your circumstances.
If you have Authorised Economic Operator (C) status
You qualify to get approval for a 100% waiver.
Ending transit movements at your premises
You’ll need to apply for authorised consignee status to end the movement of goods at your own premises.
As an authorised consignee you’ll be able to:
- receive goods without needing to present the goods and transit accompanying document (TAD) at a customs office
- send your arrival notification message to the relevant office electronically
- receive automatic permission to unload the goods (if the goods are not subject to further controls or customs inspections)
You must have an approved temporary storage facility at the location where you want to operate as an authorised consignee.
Approved temporary storage facilities
The location needs to be either:
If you already have an approved external temporary storage facility and you want it to be an authorised consignee location, you’ll need to apply for authorised consignee status to end transit movements there.
You cannot operate an authorised consignee temporary storage facility and an external temporary storage facility at the same location.
If your temporary storage facility is in Northern Ireland, you’ll need a customs comprehensive guarantee.
If the temporary storage facility is in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales)
You’ll only need a customs comprehensive guarantee if HMRC tell you need one after you apply.
What to do next
Apply for authorised consignor or consignee status.
If you are already authorised
You can apply to add a new location to your existing authorisation.
Updates to this page
Guidance on adding a location to an existing authorisation has been moved to 'Apply to add a location to a consignor or consignee authorisation'.
Information has been updated about applying to add locations to your consignee authorisation.
New information about applying to add locations has been added to the section 'Get permission to add locations to your authorisation'.
This page has been updated because the Brexit transition period has ended.
Information has been added about how to get permission to add locations to your authorisation and also how to get consignee authorisation for your temporary storage facility.
First published.