Applying for the 5G Rural Connected Communities Project
The DCMS 5G Programme Rural Connected Communities is funding up to 10 5G research and development projects to run over the course of two years
The Rural Connected Communities competition has closed for applications. Officials are currently reviewing proposals.
About the Rural Connected Communities (RCC) competition
The Rural Connected Communities (RCC) competition will fund up to 10 5G research and development projects to run over the course of two years.
These projects will trial innovative use cases and technical solutions to build the business case for investment in rural connectivity and explore the capabilities of 5G to benefit rural communities. They will also help demonstrate demand from a variety of economic sectors and rural communities for 5G technologies.
Connectivity applications are expected to show a combination of societal and economic benefits that will together create a stronger case for investing in the deployment of 5G infrastructure for rural areas.
This competition is open to applications from consortia from across the UK. Consortia are likely to consist of a mixture of organisations including the public, private and third sectors, and academia.
Competition timeline
Competition opens | 27 August 2019 |
Briefing events | Competition briefing event 12 September 2019 - The Carriageworks, 3 Millennium Square, Leeds, LS2 3AD. Registration is open via |
Clarification questions receipt deadline | 27 September 2019 |
Competition closes | Midday 25 October 2019 |
Shortlist applicants notified | 14 November 2019 |
Shortlisted applicants interviewed | 25 November - 6 December 2019 |
Successful applicants notified | December 2019 |
Grant claim period | From 1 January 2020 until 31 March 2022 |
How to apply
Step 1 - review the RCC Overview and Application Guidance
First of all review the Rural Connected Communities - Overview and Application Guidance. This will help you understand how the funding for the programme is set and the criteria we’re looking for applications to fulfil.
If you’re interested in applying for the RCC competition, you can sign up to the UK5G RCC collaboration platform to connect with other organisations which are interested in forming a consortium. We will also be holding a Competition Briefing Event in Leeds on 12 September which will encourage networking and clarify the competition scope and application process.
Step 2 - complete the RCC Project Application Form, Finance Form and provide supporting information as requested in the Application Guidance
Next complete the RCC Project Application Form, Finance Form and provide supporting information as requested in the Application Guidance. You will need to give us information on:
Applicant information
Public description
Your business plan
How you’ll deliver your project
Funding and added value
Any appendices
You can find more detail on how to fill out the form in the Rural Connected Communities - Overview and Application Guidance.
Step 3 - email us your application documents
Email your application documents to
What happens next
We’ll assess the bids we’ve received and shortlist the best of these based on the criteria outlined in the guidance.
If you’ve been shortlisted, we’ll let you know by 14 November 2019.
You’ll be invited for an interview between 25 November - 6 December and we’ll let you know whether your bid has been successful by the end of December.
Central government funding for RCC will come from the £200m of investment that has been allocated to the 5G Testbeds and Trials Programme from the National Productivity Investment Fund (NPIF).
1. Rural Connected Communities - Overview and Application Guidance
2. Rural Connected Communities - Application Form
3. Rural Connected Communities - Project Finance Form
4. 5G Testbeds and Trials - General Guidance for Grant Applicants
5. 5G Testbeds and Trials - Eligible Project Costs Guidance
6. 5G Testbeds and Trials - Guidance for academics applying via the Je-S system
7. Rural Connected Communities - Template Grant Funding Agreement
9. 5G Testbeds and Trials - Programme Participation Agreement
10. Rural Connected Communities - Q&A
Contact us
If you have any questions or would like more clarification first of all check out our Q&A.
If the Q&A doesn’t answer you query, please contact us on
Your question and respective answer will added to Q&A unless commercially sensitive.
Updates to this page
Rural Connected Communities Q&A updated.
Updated Rural Connected Communities - Q&A, 5G Testbeds and Trials General Guidance for Grant Applicants
We've updated the Rural Connected Communities - Q&A.
First published.