Identify a registrant for your domain name
Every domain needs a registrant. Find out what they do and who can be a registrant.
The role of a registrant
The registrant is the person or team responsible for managing, renewing, authorising changes and protecting the domain on behalf of their public sector organisation.
To set up a domain, the registrant must:
Get permission to apply for the domain name from the person who is accountable for it.
Choose a Approved Registrar, who applies for the domain name on their behalf.
Choose a Technical Point of Contact for the domain name. The registrant can be the Technical Point of Contact or can choose to delegate this to their registrar.
Protect the domain by following guidance on getting started using your domain name.
Who can be a registrant
The registrant must be one of the following:
a civil servant
a public servant
a named team
The registrant must be responsible for a service that depends on the domain name, whether it is an individual or a team. The registrant could be responsible for the organisation’s IT, service delivery, communications or marketing function.
In parish councils, the parish clerk is the registrant.
When you apply we will need a work email address we can identify you from like ‘’. You will also need to provide a role-based email for publication in the registry like ‘clerk@[your-organisation]’ or ‘IThelpdesk@[your-organisation]’
Updates to this page
This page is a revised version of the "Identify a domain name administrator" page, which has been unpublished and redirected to this page. We have replaced the term "domain name administrator" with "registrant to align with standard industry terminology. We have simplified the page to make it clear what the role of a registrant is and who can be a registrant.
First published.