Benefits of getting a domain
Find out the benefits of getting and using a domain
Most public sector organisations must use a or other government domain name for their websites, emails and services. But there are circumstances when your organisation can get non-government domain names.
Using a domain is beneficial because it gives your eligible organisations trusted branding, increased security and helps meet any policy and legal obligations.
A domain name used by your organisation:
shows services, emails and websites are from a trusted UK public sector organisation like a central government department or parish council
means your website and service could potentially show up higher in search results
allows staff to join public sector communities which require a email
is monitored for potential security vulnerabilities, which will be reported to you by the Protecting Public Sector Domains Team at Cabinet Office
gives your organisation the ability to better control email accounts by removing staff when they leave
gives your domain better legal protection because it’s based in a UK jurisdiction
means outgoing emails are more likely to be cleared by security filters and delivered to citizens and other public sector organisations
increases transparency of smaller organisations when public servants use corporate email accounts instead of personal email accounts for official government business
helps smaller organisations fulfill best practice guidelines as outlined in the Joint Panel on Accountability and Governance Practitioners’ Guide 2021
Use a domain to help respond to FOI requests
If you are using personal equipment or email addresses for the work of your organisation, you may have to submit them for scrutiny if your organisation receives a freedom of information or data request.
Anyone can submit a written request for information in line with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This law means your organisation could be asked to disclose a wide range of data, including:
agendas and minutes
instant messages
handwritten notes
remote meeting recordings
Having a email account that is only used for government business will make it easier to respond to any FOI requests.
To get a domain name follow the apply for a domain name guidance.
Updates to this page
Updated content to clarify that having a domain is not the only factor that will determine where websites and services show up in search engine results. Search engines use a variety of factors including quality of content, page optimisation.
First published.