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Route 2: use catalogues to find low value goods

How schools can buy low value goods from catalogues

Your school’s procurement policy should set out what the low value means. We generally say low is under £10,000.

To buy in this way you should:

  • compare similar products and prices
  • choose the supplier that offers best value for money

Compare catalogues

Once you know what you want to buy, compare similar products to assess which ones are the best value for money.

You can do your own research and find your own suppliers or use these catalogues that have been selected to help you get the best value. Each of the catalogues has been reviewed and offers schools a wide range of educational and related products.

The catalogues are:

  • CCS purchasing platform is the biggest public procurement organisation in the UK, providing technology products including laptops, smartphones, accessories and software, and office machines that print, scan, or copy (multi-functional devices)
  • ESPO products catalogue provides a range of goods to the public sector, including stationery, art and crafts, classroom resources, furniture, office and presentation equipment, and curriculum resources
  • YPO procurement product catalogue is publicly owned by 13 local authorities. It provides a range of products from UK suppliers, including pens and paper, storage, computers, audio visual equipment, and furniture.

We will continue to review and add to this list, but you can choose other suppliers.

Decide on the goods

Decide which goods meet your requirements and give you best value for money. This might not always be the cheapest. You might want to take into account:

  • price and ongoing costs
  • quality
  • deals
  • ability to deliver on time
  • customer service
  • after care

Use your own judgment to decide what gives you the best value for your school.

Place your order

Place your order with the chosen supplier directly, following your school’s rules or policies.

You may need to become a member or sign up with the supplier to make purchases.