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Updates: Buying for schools: how to buy what you need


25 February 2025 published amendments

Research and prepare

Added information on the Procurement Act 2023 including how to get free training on the act and how to register on the central digital platform.

Get training on the Procurement Act 2023

Added information on how to access free, approved DfE training on the Procurement Act 2023 and how to register on the central digital platform.

Writing a specification

Added information on the Procurement Act 2023 including how to get free training on the act and how to register on the central digital platform.

Find the right route to buy

Added information on the Procurement Act 2023 including how to get free training on the new act and how to register on the central digital platform.

Route 1: use a framework agreement

Added information on the Procurement Act 2023 including how to get free training on the act and how to register on the central digital platform.

Route 2: use catalogues to find low value goods

Added information on the Procurement Act 2023 including how to get free training on the act and how to register on the central digital platform.

Route 3: get at least 3 quotes from suppliers for low or medium value purchases

Added information on the Procurement Act 2023 including how to get free training on the act and how to register on the central digital platform.

Route 4: advertise a contract and run a buying process for high value purchases under the public procurement threshold

Added information on the Procurement Act 2023 including how to get free training on the act and how to register on the central digital platform.

Route 5: run a process compliant with the Procurement Act 2023 for high value purchases

Added an overview of the new process. Also added information on the Procurement Act 2023 including how to get free training on the act and how to register on the central digital platform.

Writing and managing a contract

Added information on the Procurement Act 2023 including how to get free training on the act and how to register on the central digital platform.


Added information on the Procurement Act 2023 including how to get free training on the act and how to register on the central digital platform.

How to manage your fixed assets

Added information relating to the Procurement Act 2023 including how to get free training on the act and how to register on the central digital platform.


4 December 2024 published amendments

Writing and managing a contract

Updated to include details of the new Department for Education approved contract training course available to schools and multi-academy trusts.

18 September 2024 published amendments

Route 2: use catalogues to find low value goods

Updated ESPO procurement product catalogue information with new pricing information for 2024 to 2025.


28 December 2023 published amendments

Find the right route to buy

The threshold values in route 5 have been updated.

14 September 2023 published amendments

Route 2: use catalogues to find low value goods

New section added.

Route 3: get at least 3 quotes from suppliers for low or medium value purchases

Renumbered to add a new route to use catalogues to find low value goods.

Route 4: advertise a contract and run a buying process for high value purchases under the PCR threshold

Renumbered to add a new route to use catalogues to find low value goods.

Route 5: run a public contracts regulations (PCR) compliant process for high value purchases over the threshold

Renumbered to add a new route to use catalogues to find low value goods.

1 September 2023 published amendments

Research and prepare

Updated with the steps you need to take to buy goods and services for your school and stay compliant.

Writing a specification

Updated with the steps you need to take to buy goods and services for your school and stay compliant.

Find the right route to buy

Updated with the steps you need to take to buy goods and services for your school and stay compliant.

Route 1: use a framework agreement

Updated with the steps you need to take to buy goods and services for your school and stay compliant.

Route 2: get at least 3 quotes from suppliers for low or medium value purchases

Updated with the steps you need to take to buy goods and services for your school and stay compliant.

Route 3: advertise a contract and run a buying process for high value purchases under the PCR threshold

Updated with the steps you need to take to buy goods and services for your school and stay compliant.

Route 4: run a public contracts regulations (PCR) compliant process for high value purchases over the threshold

Updated with the steps you need to take to buy goods and services for your school and stay compliant.


24 January 2022 published amendments

Find the right way to buy

Updated to reflect the legal and regulatory changes that schools need to conform to in order to remain legally compliant in their purchasing.

Buying high-value things under the Public Contracts Regulations (PCR) procurement threshold

Updated to reflect the legal and regulatory changes that schools need to conform to in order to remain legally compliant in their purchasing.

Buying things that are over the procurement threshold

Updated to reflect the legal and regulatory changes that schools need to conform to in order to remain legally compliant in their purchasing.


10 November 2021 published amendments

Writing a specification

Added a link to the new tool to create a specification for buying catering services or multi-functional devices.

Find the right way to buy

Updated the information on when to buy using a framework to include information about how frameworks are selected.

22 April 2021 published amendments

Buying things that are over the procurement threshold

Replaced links to an EU procurement portal with a UK procurement portal.


28 October 2020 published amendments

Find the right way to buy

Updated to reflect the latest OJEU thresholds.


1 July 2019 published amendments