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17. Accessibility

How to get help if you have difficulty using the Capital Funding Guide.

Homes England publishes documents in a range of formats, including PDFs, Word documents and Excel spreadsheets.

We want as many people as possible to be able to use those documents. For example, when we produce a document we make sure to:

  • provide an HTML option where possible
  • tag headings and other parts of the document properly, so screen readers can understand the page structure
  • make sure we include alt text alongside non-decorative images, so people who cannot see them understand what they’re there for
  • avoid using tables, except when we’re presenting data
  • write in plain English

The Capital Funding Guide (CFG) links to a large number of documents published over a long period of time, some of which are online tools and legal documents. As such it has not always been possible to make these documents meet the above criteria.

We are currently working to improve the guide and ensure it’s fully accessible to all users.

Email if you:

  • need information found in the guide in a different format
  • think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements

We’ll consider your request and get back to you in 3 working days.

For more information about the accessibility of our documents, visit our accessible documents policy page.

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