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Updates: Capital Funding Guide


4 March 2025 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Changes made to 3 elements of the affordability guidance within the Shared Ownership chapter (section 6).

1) Additional guidance on the circumstances when the use of Office for National Statistics (ONS) data for the expenditure element of an applicant’s affordability assessment would be acceptable (new paragraph 6.6.6).

2) Clarification that it is possible for the 30% limit that any mortgage should take of an applicant’s remaining net income can be exceeded if the advisor’s assessment indicates this a possibility and the applicant agrees (new paragraph 6.7.7, plus an amendment to step 6 of the methodology set out in paragraph 6.7.9).

3) Examples of the changes in circumstances where it would be appropriate for an advisor to undertake the re-assessment of an applicant, including guidance on sign-off requirements (new paragraphs 6.8.7 and 6.8.8).

4) Revised paragraph numbering as a result of these additional paragraphs.


4 November 2024 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Changes made to two elements of the Shared Ownership chapter.

1) Revised guidance and further clarity on the sub-letting of Shared Ownership homes including revisions to the guidance relating to the type of tenancy to be considered, the rent to be charged and rent increases that can be applied. Includes strengthened guidance on sub-letting requests received for homes affected by building safety issues (sections 5.3.21 to 5.3.25).

2) Revised guidance including further clarity and detail in relation to the requirements around valuations for Shared Ownership resales. Includes clarification on sales taking place outside of the nomination period generally, and where homes are affected by building safety issues specifically (sections 5.3.37 to 5.3.39).

17 September 2024 published amendments

3. Specialist Homes

Minor chapter amendments including:

1. Inclusion of updated hyperlinks to content elsewhere in the CFG.
2. Streamlining of section 7, Rents to remove duplication with content on Affordable Rent and specialist housing that is already in Chapter 4, Housing for Rent chapter (Section 3).

4. Housing for Rent

Minor chapter amendments including:

1. Section 2, Rent Standard paragraph 2.1.2 explains that for rents set from 1 April 2024 onwards, the 2023 Rent Standard is not applicable and the 2020 Rent Standard applies in full.

2. Section 2, Rent Standard paragraph 2.2.2 — added a ‘Note’ to clarify that a grant agreement with Homes England for a specialist housing programme can also serve as a housing supply delivery agreement permitting a registered provider to charge Affordable Rent for homes delivered through that specific programme to comply with the Rent Standard.

3. Section 7 Repair — regarding categories of work eligible for major repair funding. For the installations category, where work is required to ensure compliance with the Fire Safety Act 2021 signposted that this is a permitted use for Recycled Capital Grant Fund (RCGF).

4. Section 7, Repair — inclusion of updated hyperlinks to content elsewhere in the CFG and updated paragraph numbering.

6. Programme Management

Updates to make the chapter clearer and remove duplication with content in the AHP 2021 to 2026 Grant Agreements. For example, removal of the detailed list of what constitutes eligible costs for grant funding, as this is clearly listed in the AHP 2021 to 2026 Grant Agreement. Paragraph 3.4.2 now signposts Schedule 4, Part 1 in this grant agreement for more information on eligible expenditure for acquisition, works and on costs.

10. Finance

Updates to make the chapter content clearer including:

1. Reminder that the focus of Shared Ownership and Affordable Homes (SOAHP) 2016 to 2021 is now on delivery with final completions expected to deliver by March 2026 for continuous market engagement (CME) and by March 2028 for Strategic Partnership (SP) schemes.
2. Removal of paragraph 1.4.2 concerning the closed RSH Disposal Proceeds Fund (DPF).
3. Section 2 headed Funding conditions, removal of the information about the 2012 Construction Commitments as this is not a requirement in the Affordable Homes Programme (AHP) 2021 to 2026 Grant Agreement.
4. Inclusion of hyperlinks to other sources of information referenced in this chapter, for example, VAT notice (section 4) and HMRC Money Laundering regulations and FCA (section 5).

11. Right to Acquire

Removed box referencing the closed Disposal Proceeds Fund (DPF) and replaced with some explanatory text about the closure of the DPF. In addition, paragraph 1.3.10 has been updated to include more information on the treatment of sales receipts including signposting Chapter 7 Grant Recovery, paragraph 5.1.12.

14. Strategic Partnerships

Minor chapter amendment to paragraph 4.1.4 to link to the Housing for Rent chapter, section 4 (Social Rent). The latter explains that in February 2023 through the Affordable Homes Programme (AHP) 2021 to 2026 providers can access Social Rent-specific grant rates in all parts of the country.

2 September 2024 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Amendments to section 11, Model Leases to accommodate moving the model leases for AHP 2021 to 2026, SOAHP 2016 to 2021, the historic leases for legacy programmes and the Key Information Documents (KIDs) out of the CFG to new/bespoke pages.

1 August 2024 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Various changes to the Shared Ownership chapter to reflect full implementation of Homes England’s revised affordability guidance from 1st August 2024. This update includes the following.

a) The removal of the previous affordability guidance in Section 6A

b) The revised affordability guidance is now contained within a single Section 6, including paragraph re-numbering.

c) Amendment to paragraph 6.7.6 to clarify that the 30% mortgage cost as a proportion of an applicant’s net income for mortgage purposes can be exceeded if circumstances allow (consistent with the budget planner guidance note).

d) New paragraph 6.8.4 to clarify that the declaration statements on the sign off forms are only for illustration purposes and can be amended as required or appropriate.

e) Update to paragraphs 6.8.9 and 6.8.10 relating to signing and retention of the sign off forms.

f) Minor amendments to the budget planner guidance note (paragraph 6.7.8) and the sign off sheet guidance notes (section 6.8) to reflect the revised paragraph numbering.

8 July 2024 published amendments

6. Programme Management

Updated the Independent Auditor Appointment and Standardised Terms of Engagement sections.

17 May 2024 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Revised Shared Ownership affordability guidance has been published in a new Section 6B in Chapter 1 of the Capital Funding Guide. The previous affordability guidance remains in place (section 6A) whilst the transition to full implementation of the revised guidance will take place by the end of July 2024.

On the 1st August 2024 the previous affordability guidance in section 6A will be removed from this chapter..

1 May 2024 published amendments

2. Rent to Buy

Added to 1.4 Applicant eligibility

1. Shared Ownership

Updates in section 3.2

Update to Applicant eligibility

9 April 2024 published amendments

3. Specialist Homes

Amendment to section 4 Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP) paragraph concerning confirmations to be included in the Statement of Grant Usage Capital (SOGU Capital)

8 April 2024 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Section 12 Right to Shared Ownership updated.

3. Specialist Homes

Section 3, Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme (RSAP) , paragraph 3.9 Recovery amendment regarding managing the treatment of RCGF for the schemes funded through the RSAP.

Section 4 headed Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP), paragraph 4.10 Recovery amendment regarding managing the treatment of RCGF for the schemes funded through the SHAP.

4. Housing for Rent

Section 4 headed Social Rent updated.

6. Programme Management

Amendment to paragraph 7.3.4 Audit scheme file. Valuation report to have the valuer’s signature in a format deemed acceptable by RICS or RICS guidance

7. Grant Recovery - Registered Provider

Section 5 RCGF new paragraph 5.1.12 to align with amendments to Chapter 3 Specialist Homes regarding managing the treatment of RCGF for schemes funded through the Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme and Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme.

6.1.3 Downward staircasing amendment to allow up to 100% RCGF funding for this priority use

6.2 RCGF new permitted use for decarbonisation works/energy efficiency improvements.

Also, minor amendments to Tenure Changes and equity loan redemption worked examples

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Section 2 Procurement, paragraph 2.2.1 Mortgageability and insurability of housing constructed using a non-traditional technique. Updated the list of organisations who are able to undertake a technical assessment when an innovative house building system is to be used.

5 April 2024 published amendments

7. Grant Recovery - Registered Provider

Section 5 RCGF new paragraph 5.1.12 to align with amendments to Chapter 3 Specialist Homes regarding managing the treatment of RCGF for schemes funded through the Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme and Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme.

6.1.3 Downward staircasing amendment to allow up to 100% RCGF funding for this priority use

6.2 RCGF new permitted use for decarbonisation works/energy efficiency improvements.

Also, minor amendments to Tenure Changes and equity loan redemption worked examples

29 February 2024 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Updates across the manual

3. Specialist Homes

Updates across the manual

4. Housing for Rent

Updates across the manual

7. Grant Recovery - Registered Provider

Updates across the manual

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Updates across the manual


19 December 2023 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

The sub-letting sections 5.3.21 to 5.3.25 have been updated to include guidance linked to DLUHC Secretary of State's letter of 19 December 2023 to providers in relation to building safety challenges. Additional changes in connection with assessing rent to be paid by a sub-letting tenant, requirements on access to policy and information on sub-letting and guidance on decision making.

The resale nominations sections 5.3.37 to 5.3.39 have been updated to provide more information on the approach to be taken on resales within and outside of the nomination period. This includes back-to-back staircasing transactions, resales, where the sale price may be below the valuation and guidance in connection with building safety.

The sub-letting sections 5.3.21 to 5.3.25 have been updated to include guidance linked to DLUHC Secretary of State's letter of 19 December 2023 to providers in relation to building safety challenges. Additional changes in connection with assessing rent to be paid by a sub-letting tenant, requirements on access to policy and information on sub-letting and guidance on decision making.

The resale nominations sections 5.3.37 to 5.3.39 have been updated to provide more information on the approach to be taken on resales within and outside of the nomination period. This includes back-to-back staircasing transactions, resales, where the sale price may be below the valuation and guidance in connection with building safety.

7. Grant Recovery - Registered Provider

RCGF permitted uses sections 6.2 and 6.3 has been updated following DLUHC Secretary of State's letter of 19 December 2023 to providers on the ability of providers to use RCGF for the equity re-purchase of Shared Ownership homes where there are building safety issues.

23 November 2023 published amendments

3. Specialist Homes

A link to the example Grant Agreements has been added to section 5.3.2.

6. Programme Management

New agreement types added under 9.2 for traveller pitch.

27 October 2023 published amendments

7. Grant Recovery - Registered Provider

Small changes to make the chapter clearer including how to seek approval to roll over a 3-year-old RCGF balance into subsequent years.

23 October 2023 published amendments

6. Programme Management

(1) Chapter 6 - 'Programme Management' - minor changes to paragraphs 4.1.2, 5.1.5 and 5.1.11 to align with Homes England's Investment Partner Qualification (IPQ) guidance with regard to a provider's status or circumstances which could affect the payment of grant or IPQ status.

(2) Chapter 9 - 'Procurement and Scheme Issues' - paragraph 1.2.5 added to the 'Overview' section to emphasise the importance of providers maintaining their existing stock to a good quality.

(3) Chapter 10 - 'Finance' - minor amendments to paragraphs 2.4.2 and and 2.6.2 to emphasise the importance of compliance with the Regulatory Standards.

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Paragraph 1.2.5 added to the 'Overview' section to emphasise the importance of providers maintaining their existing stock to a good quality.

10. Finance

Minor amendments to paragraphs 2.4.2 and and 2.6.2 to emphasise the importance of compliance with the regulator's Regulatory Standards.

12 October 2023 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Changes made to the annual rent reviews on Shared Ownership homes from the Retail Price Index (RPI) to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) - see sections 4.2 and section 11. A new suite of CPI-based model leases is now available (section 11.2) with the Key Information Documents updated to incorporate this and other changes (section 11.3).

18 September 2023 published amendments

5. Department of Health and Social Care Programmes

Added note explaining that the programmes on this page have now closed.

5 September 2023 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Small changes to make the chapter clearer, including clarifying that we expect Registered Providers to carry across the current protections awarded to shared ownership leaseholders (as ‘qualifying leaseholders’) under Part 5 of the Building Safety Act 2022 if a shared ownership leaseholder were to extend their lease.

3 August 2023 published amendments

7. Grant Recovery - Registered Provider

Further update as part of full chapter revision

30 June 2023 published amendments

7. Grant Recovery - Registered Provider

Chapter 7 completely revised and updated.

28 June 2023 published amendments

3. Specialist Homes

New section 4 added for the Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP).

27 June 2023 published amendments

6. Programme Management

Updated 3.4.5, 9.3 (introduction) and with information about regeneration.

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Updated 3.2.2 and 6.3.6 with information about regeneration.

14. Strategic Partnerships

Updated 3.1.2 with information about regeneration.

15 June 2023 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Updated Key Information Documents for AHP 2021 to 2026 and SOAHP 2016 to 2021 in section 11.3.6 to remove references to Help to Buy agents. Updated information in sections 11.3.1, 11.3.2 and 11.3.3, including some additional guidance in 11.3.3 about forms of compliance for the requirement for receipt of Key Information Documents by buyers.

7 June 2023 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Updates to section 11 because of the addition of new fundamental clauses to model leases to reflect the Shared Ownership product for homes funded by Homes England through the AHP 2021 to 2026. See 11.2.5 for a list of what has changed in the leases.

12 May 2023 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Updated the Homes England Shared Ownership initial eligibility and affordability calculator in section 6.4 to reflect the 2023 to 2024 tax year. Updated section 6.4.1.

31 March 2023 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Added information to 11.3.1 about removing references to Help to Buy agents in the Key Information Documents.

28 March 2023 published amendments

6. Programme Management

Updated section to remove a reference to a specific warranty provider.

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Updated section 3.2.1 to remove a reference to specific independent approvals authorities.

10. Finance

Updated section to remove a reference to a specific warranty provider.

2 March 2023 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Updated throughout to reflect that the Help to Buy Agent service will no longer operate from 1 April 2023. Added section 3.1.6 to explain changes in place from 1 March 2023.

31 January 2023 published amendments

15. Capital Funding Guide Library and Updates

The information in the chapter has been condensed to make it more user-friendly.

30 January 2023 published amendments

6. Programme Management

Added the exceptions from CME flexibilities to section 4.3 to support operationalising the CME flex arrangements for 2022 to 2023.

4 January 2023 published amendments

11. Right to Acquire

Updated section 7 (RTA forms) to reflect forms moving to separate page.


2 December 2022 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Updated all Key Information Documents for homes provided through AHP 2021 to 2026 in 11.3.6. Also added information about these documents in 11.3.1.

22 November 2022 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Clarification added to 1.3.1 and 5.3.5 relating to Shared Ownership provisions.

18 November 2022 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Change made to the 'Rent increases' section of the Shared Ownership chapter 1 (paragraphs 4.2.4 and 4.2.5) to clarify operational requirements in connection with annual rent increases

2 November 2022 published amendments

7. Grant Recovery - Registered Provider

Adding information on fire safety works in the list of Recovery of Capital Grants and Recycled Capital Grant Fund permitted uses (paragraph 6.1.5).

24 October 2022 published amendments

11. Right to Acquire

Replaced the RTA forms in section 7.1 – they now include a space for registered providers to insert a logo. The RTA1 form also makes it clearer to tenants that they should return the form to their landlord. Also changed 'Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government' to 'Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities' throughout chapter.

7 October 2022 published amendments

6. Programme Management

Updated the publication date for the Unregistered Body (URB) Retained Ownership grant agreement in section 9.2.2.

1 September 2022 published amendments

4. Housing for Rent

Updated section 2.2 in chapter 4 to provide greater clarity around the process.

24 August 2022 published amendments

10. Finance

Updated the email address that bank details should be emailed to in section 3.2.

12 August 2022 published amendments

16. Glossary

Added and amended some definitions to reflect expiring programmes and name changes.

3 August 2022 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Added 6.7.2 and 6.7.3, clarifying guidance on Shared Ownership cash purchasers only able to purchase a lower share due to unavailability of mortgage products.

2 August 2022 published amendments

6. Programme Management

Updated section 2, Investment Partner Qualification and the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026 Grant Agreement, including new subsection 2.1 on Investment Partner Qualification. Also chapter summary and section 9.1.

29 July 2022 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Publication of Key Information Documents for Shared Ownership homes provided through the SOAHP 2016 to 2021, which are to be in use by 15th September 2022 at the latest. See section 11.3 for suite of documents and the updated guidance.

25 July 2022 published amendments

14. Strategic Partnerships

Onward Sale information added to section 3.3, and new sections 3.4 and 3.5 added.

5 July 2022 published amendments

14. Strategic Partnerships

Further information on charging Affordable Rent on nil grant homes has been added to paragraph 4.1.6.

4 July 2022 published amendments

3. Specialist Homes

Updated Homes England guidance on the provision of Traveller Pitches. See Chapter 3 ('Specialist Homes'), section 4.

1 July 2022 published amendments

7. Grant Recovery - Registered Provider

Revised guidance and methodology for the calculation of grant recovery uplift. For Profit Registered Providers (refer to CFG Chapter 7 section 3.4); Unregistered Bodies (refer to CFG Chapter 8 section 3.3).

8. Grant Recovery - Unregistered Bodies

Homes England revised guidance and methodology for the calculation of grant recovery uplift as relevant. For profit Registered Providers should refer to CFG Chapter 7 (section 3.4); unregistered bodies should refer to CFG Chapter 8 (section 3.3).

30 June 2022 published amendments

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Chapter 9 - Procurement and Scheme Issues, paragraph 3.6.1. Clarification that a valuation commissioned and kept on file for schemes delivered through CME or a Strategic Partnership must be applicable to the grant funded homes only.

4. Housing for Rent

Update to Chapter 4 - Rent, section 2.2 to confirm Homes England's approach and requirements where providers wish to charge Affordable Rent on homes not funded with new grant through the AHP 2021 to 2026 (ie, nil grant homes).

16 May 2022 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Two changes have been made to the Shared Ownership chapter.
First, an exemption (on an exceptional basis) to the minimum 990-year lease requirement for homes provided through the Home Ownership for people with a long-term disability (HOLD) product – see paragraphs 1.4.8, and
Second, the abolition of ground rents (or just a peppercorn to be charged) on Homes England funded Shared Ownership homes from 23rd May 2022 except for those where contracts have been exchanged – see section 4.4.

13 May 2022 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Additional section added (section 4.4) to reflect the Government's requirement for ground rents to be banned (or reduced to a peppercorn) on Shared Ownership homes funded by Homes England from 16th May 2022. A second change to confirm that Shared Ownership purchases through the Home Ownership for people with a long-term disability (HOLD) variant are exempt from the minimum 990 year lease requirement on an exceptional basis can be found in paragraph 1.4.8 and section 5.3.4.

10. Finance

Change to the secure legal interest requirements (section 3.1) to allow for an exemption to be made on the minimum 990 year lease requirement for Shared Ownership homes provided through the Home Ownership for people with a long-term disability (HOLD) product.

19 April 2022 published amendments

7. Grant Recovery - Registered Provider

Revised guidance on grant recovery uplift for profit making Registered Providers in sections 2.5, 3.3, 5.7 and 5.9 in light of Homes England's current review of the uplift calculation methodology.

8. Grant Recovery - Unregistered Bodies

Revised guidance on grant recovery uplift for unregistered organisations in sections 2.5 and 3.3 in light of Homes England's current review of the uplift calculation methodology.

8 April 2022 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Update to Homes England's Shared Ownership affordability calculator to reflect tax and National Insurance changes effective from 6th April 2022 - see section 6.4 for more detail.

22 March 2022 published amendments

6. Programme Management

Change to section 4.2 setting out the new security requirements for unregistered bodies in receipt of Homes England grant to align with the new Grant Agreements for the AHP 2021 to 2026.

8 March 2022 published amendments

4. Housing for Rent

Removed sections 1.1.2 to 1.1.8, which were published in error and contain information covered in section 2.

4 March 2022 published amendments

4. Housing for Rent

Full update of the Housing for Rent chapter except section 7 headed 'Repair' which remains unchanged.

3 March 2022 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Updated sections 3.5.3 and 7.7.11 to remove references to 'operating area' and add the correct Homes England team name where relevant.

7. Grant Recovery - Registered Provider

Updated sections 6.1.4, 6.2.2, 6.3.2, 6.3.5, 6.3.6 and 6.3.7 to remove references to 'operating area' and add correct the Homes England team name where relevant.

8. Grant Recovery - Unregistered Bodies

Updated section to remove reference to 'operating area' and use the correct Homes England team name.

12. Social HomeBuy

Updated sections 4.4.4 and 5.5.4 to remove references to 'operating area' and use the correct Homes England team name.

15. Capital Funding Guide Library and Updates

Fixed 7 broken links to the National Archives.

16. Glossary

Amended 'Resource Expenditure Limit' definition to remove an out-of-date reference.

25 February 2022 published amendments

3. Specialist Homes

Updated clause 9.1 of section 3 (Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme) to add a clarification around Modern Methods of Construction.

7. Grant Recovery - Registered Provider

Updated to add a clarification around Modern Methods of Construction.

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Added section 3.5.8 about elements of schemes produced using Modern Methods of Construction being considered a ‘component’ part contributing to the overall grant funded home.

22 February 2022 published amendments

14. Strategic Partnerships

Updated 2.1.2 to add a link to examples of Strategic Partnership Grant Agreements. Updated 3.2, 'Activating a Site and Start on Site', to clarify a point on claiming a grant.

17 February 2022 published amendments

3. Specialist Homes

Update to improve information regarding other relevant CFG chapters outlining rules, requirements and conditions for grant funding.

16 February 2022 published amendments

14. Strategic Partnerships

Added Section 3.2 Activating a Site and Start on Site – clarification.

11 February 2022 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Updated references to the Shared Ownership Joint Guidance in sections 5.2.1 and 7.4.7 to note that this guidance will be updated in 2022.

6. Programme Management

Updated to add new AHP 21-26 grant agreements for Strategic Partnerships not-for profit and for-profit and URB (agreed transfer) grant agreement.

10 February 2022 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Made information on post-sale administration fees more prominent in section 7.

2 February 2022 published amendments

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Updated self-insurance position for local authorities.


20 December 2021 published amendments

14. Strategic Partnerships

Updated sections 2.3 and 3.1 – and added sections 5.2 and 5.3. These updates relate to Strategic Partners who are for profit Registered Providers or Unregistered Bodies under a Strategic Partnership Grant Agreement funded as part of the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026.

26 November 2021 published amendments

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Updated 3.6 to add clarity around strategic partnerships.

14. Strategic Partnerships

Edits throughout to make clearer where information applies to the Shared Ownership and Affordable Homes Programme 2016 to 2021 and the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026.

29 October 2021 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Addition of section 12 for more clarity around RtSO and the 10-year initial repair period.

1 October 2021 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Make funding requirements concerning valuations clearer.

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Making our funding requirements for valuations clearer.

30 September 2021 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

The Shared Ownership chapter has been updated to include additional supporting documents for the AHP 2021 to 2026 - including Older Persons Shared Ownership and Designated Protected Area leases and Key Information Documents for these leases (and for Home Ownership for people with long-term disabilities).

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Make funding requirements concerning valuations clearer.

29 September 2021 published amendments

17. Accessibility

New section added.

22 September 2021 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Section 11 has been updated to provide further guidance on the use of model leases.

10 September 2021 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Updates to sections 1.3.9 and 12.1 to provide more info and clarity about the Shared Ownership model.

2. Rent to Buy

Updated section 3.3 to provide more info and clarity about the Shared Ownership model.

8 September 2021 published amendments

6. Programme Management

Updated 9.2.2 and 9.2.3 to reflect the availability of additional Grant Agreement examples.

18 August 2021 published amendments

12. Social HomeBuy

Documents changed from PDF to .odt accessible file types

28 July 2021 published amendments

11. Right to Acquire

Withdrawal of Right to Acquire information booklet and redirection to main Right to Acquire guidance.

16 July 2021 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Updates to key information documents for shared owners (11.2.5)

9 July 2021 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

Addition and removal of points in sections 1.3, 1.4, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2 and 6.1

3. Specialist Homes

Addition of new section on Rough Sleepers Accommodation Programme and link to an example of a grant agreement.

6. Programme Management

Added examples of new grant agreements to 9.2.

28 May 2021 published amendments

1. Shared Ownership

This chapter has been updated to reflect changes made to the Shared Ownership model confirmed by Government on 1 April 2021 which applies to grant funded homes through the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026. Further updates will follow.

26 February 2021 published amendments

6. Programme Management

Section 3.4.9 has been updated to provide details of Government Office Regions and the local and unitary authorities within each region.

Section 9 provides information on Investment Partner Qualification for the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026.

23 February 2021 published amendments

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Section 3.5 has been updated to provide further details on MMC categories and pre-manufactured value (see also section 3.5.5).

19 February 2021 published amendments

14. Strategic Partnerships

Section 5.3 and 5.4 has been added to to explain grant draw down requirements for different types of Strategic Partnerships in the Affordable Housing Programme 2021 to 2026.


27 November 2020 published amendments

4. Housing for Rent

Section 1.5 has been updated to provide further details of funding conditions in connection with the Right to Shared Ownership.

Section 3 has been updated to include a defined list of high affordability pressure areas in connection with funding available for Social Rent in the AHP 2021 to 2026.

6. Programme Management

Section 9 has been introduced to set out the assessment framework for bidding via Continuous Market Engagement in the AHP 2021 to 2026.

7. Grant Recovery - Registered Provider

Section 3 has been updated to include further guidance on the grant recovery rules for homes sold through the Right to Shared Ownership.

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Section 3 has been updated with new categories and definitions for Modern Methods of Construction.

16. Glossary

The glossary has updated definitions for Low Medium Volume Builder, Brownfield land Greenfield land.

10 September 2020 published amendments

1. Help to Buy: Shared Ownership

Section 12 has been added to refer to changes to the Shared Ownership model as part of the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026.

2. Rent to Buy

Updated to include reference to the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026

3. Specialist Homes

Additional supported housing client groups added in section 2.4.
Guidance on funding for Traveller Pitches in section 3 (moved from the Procurement and Scheme Issues chapter).
References made to the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026.

4. Housing for Rent

Guidance in connection with the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026 now included.
Section 1.5 provides guidance on the Right to Shared Ownership
Section 3.1.4 provides guidance on funding for Social Rent in the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026

6. Programme Management

Reference to the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026 at section 1.1.3.

7. Grant Recovery - Registered Provider

Section 8 added to provide guidance on grant recovery in the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026.

8. Grant Recovery - Unregistered Bodies

Section 5 added to provide guidance on grant recovery in the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026.

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Reference to the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026 added at section 1.1.2 and 3.5.1.

10. Finance

Reference to the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026 added at section 1.1.2.

14. Strategic Partnerships

Reference to the Affordable Homes Programme 2021 to 2026 added at section 1.1.2.

14 August 2020 published amendments

6. Programme Management

Programme Management - section 4 updated to clarify payment tranches in connection with milestones for acquisition, start on site and completions.


11 June 2019 published amendments

6. Programme Management

Section 4.2.7 has been updated to clarify the warranty requirements in respect of different scheme types

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Section 3.6 has been added to clarify the valuation requirements for different scheme types

10. Finance

Section 3.6 has been updated to clarify the warranty requirements in respect of different scheme types

11 April 2019 published amendments

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Updated title of section 4.3.2

10 April 2019 published amendments

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

10.04.2019 - Updated to include section 4.3 in Chapter 9 - Move On Fund


13 December 2018 published amendments

6. Programme Management

Information about audit scheme files included at section 7.3.4

12 December 2018 published amendments

14. Strategic Partnerships

New chapter setting out the programme requirements for not for profit housing associations (Registered Providers) who are in a Strategic Partnership with Homes England.

19 September 2018 published amendments

6. Programme Management

Section 7.3.7 of the Programme Management chapter includes an updated list of professional bodies for the purposes of Independent Auditor Appointments.

16 August 2018 published amendments

13. Voluntary Right to Buy Pilot

New chapter setting out the requirements for the Voluntary Right to Buy pilot in the Midlands (launched 16 August 2018).

12 March 2018 published amendments

1. Help to Buy: Shared Ownership

Section 3.7.7 has been updated to provide further clarity on savings levels for Older Persons Shared Ownership

8 February 2018 published amendments

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Section 8 has been updated to provide details of revised Homes England signboard requirements


30 November 2017 published amendments

6. Programme Management

Section 4.2 has been updated to provide details of payment of grant tranches upon the achievement of the acquisition, start on site and practical completion milestones.

3 August 2017 published amendments

9. Procurement and Scheme Issues

Updated guidance in section 4 on lease and repair empty homes and traveller picthes

22 June 2017 published amendments

1. Help to Buy: Shared Ownership

Guidance for the Shared Ownership sustainability calculator (section 6.1) has been updated to provide further clarity on its application.

6 April 2017 published amendments

7. Grant Recovery - Registered Provider

This chapter has been updated to reflect provisions made in the Recovery of Capital Grants and Recycled Capital Grant Fund General Determination 2017 for Registered Providers.

8. Grant Recovery - Unregistered Bodies

This is a new chapter which sets out the grant recovery procedures for Unregistered Bodies as specified in the Recovery of Capital Grant from Unregistered Providers General Determination 2017.


25 November 2016 published amendments

1. Help to Buy: Shared Ownership

Help to Buy: Shared Ownership - An updated version of the Procedures for varying shared ownership leases - background information has been added to section 11.7.2.

21 November 2016 published amendments

1. Help to Buy: Shared Ownership

11.7.2 - The 'Procedures for varying shared ownership leases - background information' document has been revised to reflect the updated process to request variations

17 November 2016 published amendments

8. Procurement and Scheme Issues

New section added.

7. Grant Recovery

New section added.

New section added.

9. Finance

New section added.

New section added.

12. Capital Funding Guide Library and Updates

New section added.

3. Specialist Homes for Older, Disabled and Vulnerable People

New section added.

5. Department of Health Programmes

New section added.

16 November 2016 published amendments

8. Procurement and Scheme Issues

New section added.

New section added.

11. Social HomeBuy

New section added.

3. Specialist Homes for Older, Disabled and Vulnerable People

New section added.

5. Department of Health Programmes

New section added.

4. Housing for Rent

New section added.

7. Grant Recovery

New section added.

6. Programme Management

New section added.

9. Finance

New section added.

12. Capital Funding Guide Library and Updates

New section added.

15 November 2016 published amendments

7. Grant Recovery

New section added.

3. Specialist Homes for Older, Disabled and Vulnerable People

New section added.

4. Housing for Rent

New section added.

6. Programme Management

New section added.

8. Procurement and Scheme Issues

New section added.

10. Right to Acquire

New section added.

9. Finance

New section added.

14 November 2016 published amendments

9. Finance

New section added.

11 November 2016 published amendments

3. Specialist Homes for Older, Disabled and Vulnerable People

New section added.

2. Rent to Buy

New section added.

5. Department of Health Programmes

New section added.

4. Housing for Rent

New section added.

6. Programme Management

New section added.

7. Grant Recovery

New section added.

8. Procurement and Scheme Issues

New section added.

9. Finance

New section added.

10. Right to Acquire

New section added.

11. Social HomeBuy

New section added.

12. Capital Funding Guide Library and Updates

New section added.

4 November 2016 published amendments

8. Procurement and Scheme Issues

New section added.

11. Social HomeBuy

New section added.

13. Glossary

New section added.

1. Help to Buy: Shared Ownership

New section added.

5. Department of Health Programmes

New section added.

9. Finance

New section added.

12. Capital Funding Guide Library and Updates

New section added.

7. Grant Recovery

New section added.

4. Housing for Rent

New section added.

2. Rent to Buy

New section added.

10. Right to Acquire

New section added.

6. Programme Management

New section added.

3. Specialist Homes for Older, Disabled and Vulnerable People

New section added.