Choose a Approved Registrar
Find out what a Approved Registrar does, how to choose one and information about pricing.
What a Approved Registrar does
Only suppliers who have signed up to the Criteria to be a Approved Registrar can:
apply for a domain name on your organisation’s behalf
set up and keep your domain live on the internet
keep your domain secure
fix problems quickly if your domain goes offline
A Approved Registrar may also help you set up and manage services that use your domain like websites and email accounts.
How to choose a Approved Registrar
Choose a supplier from the list of Approved registrars. The Domains Team cannot recommend a specific supplier for you to use.
Registrars provide a range of services as well as the basic registration and Domain Name System (DNS). You should research a few registrars from this list to find a registrar that is suitable for your specific needs.
If you’re a parish council, you can ask for support getting a domain name by emailing for more information.
Prices for a domain
As a registrant you must buy a domain from a Approved Registrar.
Registrars pay the Registry Operator a registration and renewal fee. This fee is £10 plus VAT per year. Registrars are free to set their own prices for providing the registration and DNS services of domains, but must itemise separately and explicitly for:
web hosting
enhanced security or resilience
any other service
Do not evaluate suppliers based on cost alone. Make sure the service has the security and support you need to protect and manage your domain.
You should perform due diligence on any supplier in line with your organisation’s procurement policies even if you have received a recommendation
Updates to this page
Updated to clarify that all Approved Registrars follow the Criteria to be a Approved Registrar.
This page is a revised version of the "Choose a good supplier for your domain" page, which has been unpublished and redirected to this page. We have simplified this guidance as all suppliers selling domain names have committed to meeting the Criteria to be a Approved Registrar guidance.
First published.