
Cronfa Perchnogaeth Cymunedol: cynigwyr llwyddiannu

Cymunedau ledled Lloegr, yr Alban, Gogledd Iwerddon a Chymru i elwa o dros £150 miliwn mewn cyllid i gefnogi perchnogaeth gymunedol o asedau lleol.

Cynigion llwyddiannus

Mae’r Gronfa Perchnogaeth Gymunedol wedi dyfarnu £103.1 miliwn i fwy na 333 o brosiectau ledled y DU, gyda £7.1 miliwn wedi’i ddyrannu i 24 o brosiectau yng Nghymru, £71 miliwn i 231 o brosiectau ledled Lloegr, £17 miliwn wedi’i ddyrannu i 47 o  brosiectau yn yr Alban,  ac £8.1 miliwn i 31 o brosiectau yng Ngogledd Iwerddon. Gellir canfod y rhestr lawn o gynigion llwyddiannus hyd yma yn y tabl isod.

Cylch 3 Cynigwyr Llwyddiannus Cyfnod 3

Sefydliad Enw’r Prosiect Cyfanswm gwerth Gwlad
Ashendon Community Pub Society Limited Save Our Ashendon Pub £300,000.00   Lloegr
Cyngor Plwyf Ashley Preserve The George - for future generations £250,000.00   Lloegr
Bangladesh Youth and Cultural Shomiti Ased cymunedol BYCS £433,653.00   Lloegr
Birtley Community Aquatic Centre Trosglwyddo Asedau Cymunedol i ganolfan nofio Birtley £272,382.70   Lloegr
Rhwydwaith Pobl Dduon De-orllewin Lloegr The Coach House Refurbishment £520,000.00   Lloegr
Cyngor Tref Burntwood Canolfan Gymunedol Chase Terrace £180,131.00   Lloegr
CADS De Swydd Efrog The Abbeydale Picture House £299,542.00   Lloegr
Caistor and District Community Trust Limited (C&DCT) 2-4 Market Place, Caistor £550,000.00   Lloegr
Calder Valley Community Land Trust Fielden Hall Energy Usage Reduction Programme. £247,346.00   Lloegr
Cyngor Plwyf Calow Adnewyddu Tir Hamdden y Pavilion £105,480.00   Lloegr
Cede Foundation Meithrinfa Ddydd St Ignatius £299,990.00   Lloegr
Cwmni Budd Cymunedol Charlea Community Gardens Charlea Community Farm and Gardens £122,200.00   Lloegr
Ymddiriedolaeth Datblygu Cymunedol Chichester Prosiect Marchwell Studios £300,000.00   Lloegr
Cornwood Inn Action Group Ltd Moderneiddio’r Gegin £8,315.00   Lloegr
Clwb Ieuenctid Crewe Mirion Street Centre £300,000.00   Lloegr
Dobcross Village Society Limited Dobcross Village Store £91,200.00   Lloegr
East Harptree Community Benefit Society Limited Save the Waldy - The Waldegrave Arms, East Harptree £298,200.00   Lloegr
East Street Arts Keighley Creative, Hanover House £1,279,312.00   Lloegr
Cyngor Tref Falmouth The Princess Pavilion £190,400.00   Lloegr
Cyngor Tref Flitwick 3 Station Road Adnewyddu adeilad £293,000.00   Lloegr
Foundation For Good Unlocking Community Potential: Foundation For Good’s Vision for Lasting Impact £420,000.00   Lloegr
Foxie’s Future The Next Generation of Foxlease £1,780,000.00   Lloegr
Friends of Downe Activity Centre Downe Activity Centre £390,000.00   Lloegr
Friends of The Wesley Otley Limited Otley Common £300,000.00   Lloegr
Gasworks Dock Partnership Cody Dock Community Centre £335,000.00   Lloegr
Gilsland Community Benefit Society Limited Save Our Samson £215,839.00   Lloegr
Hastings Commons CLT Ltd 12 Claremont, Hastings, hwb creadigol a chanolfan groesawu gynhwysol £725,000.00   Lloegr
Haywards Heath Rugby Football Club Limited HHRFC Clubhouse Project £300,000.00   Lloegr
Hemlock Recreational & Sporting Achievement Hemlock Community & Sports Pavilion £256,800.00   Lloegr
Hinckley Rugby Football Club Ltd Adnewyddu Cae Glaswellt Artiffisial 3G Hinckley £150,000.00   Lloegr
Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Jamaica Street Studios Iron & Fire £550,400.00   Lloegr
Kajans Women’s Enterprise Ltd Kajans Community Creative HUB £588,083.00   Lloegr
Kennerleigh and District Community Stores Ltd Adeilad Newydd i Siop Gymunedol Kennerleigh £147,781.00   Lloegr
Keswick Rugby Football Club Limited Clwb Rygbi Keswick “The Big Build” £300,000.00   Lloegr
Kingstone Community Society Limited Kingstone Community Society-Adnewyddu’r To £179,770.00   Lloegr
Clwb Criced Lascelles Hall Tŷ Clwb Cymunedol Clwb Criced Lascelles Hall £300,000.00   Lloegr
Cyngor Tref Llanllieni Old Priory Centre £835,832.00   Lloegr
Life Dronfield Life Dronfield £250,000.00   Lloegr
Cyngor Tref Lynton a Lynmouth (LTC) Toiledau Cyhoeddus Lyndale isaf £29,049.00   Lloegr
Make It Sustainable Ltd The People’s Old Print Works £477,800.00   Lloegr
Sefydliad corfforedig elusennol Canolfan gymunedol Meads (Eastbourne) Save Meads Parish Hall £450,000.00   Lloegr
Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Mercia Boxing Club Hwb Llesiant Cymunedol a Chanolfan Paffio Mercia Boxing Club £521,000.00   Lloegr
Murray Hall Community Trust Prosiect Adnewyddu Cam 2 The Bridge £399,022.00   Lloegr
Eglwys y Bedyddwyr Newport Pagnell Eglwys y Bedyddwyr Newport Pagnell a Chanolfan Gymunedol Lovat Hall - Ei hachub ar gyfer dyfodol cynaliadwy £293,728.00   Lloegr
Cyngor Plwyf Newport Adfer cloc coffa Newport £6,190.00   Lloegr
Cyngor Plwyf Normandy Datblygu Ardal Chwarae Manor Fruit Farm £154,000.00   Lloegr
Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Odiham Saving The Bell in The Bury £995,000.00   Lloegr
Rowan Humberstone Ltd ‘Raise the Roof’ for Rowan (Caergrawnt) £204,585.00   Lloegr
Safe and Sound Group Safe and Sound House £300,000.00   Lloegr
Gardd Gymunedol Naturiol Scotswood Hwb Cymunedol Gardd Scotswood £467,260.00   Lloegr
Signal Film and Media Sicrhau Dyfodol Stiwdios Cooke yn Barrow-in-Furness £910,000.00   Lloegr
Cyngor Tref St Ives Archif St Ives  – i’r Market House £275,000.00   Lloegr
Adeilad yr Orsaf, Mytholmroyd Adeilad yr Orsaf, Mytholmroyd £293,193.00   Lloegr
Streatham & Marlborough Cricket Club Limited Prosiect y Pafiliwn Cymunedol - Clwb Criced Streatham a Marlborough £706,000.00   Lloegr
The Boathouse Youth Limited Whiteholme Youth Complex £300,000.00   Lloegr
The Hull Community Pub Society Limited Save the New Clarence £299,845.00   Lloegr
The Muath Trust The Base £409,720.00   Lloegr
Cyngor Tref Todmorden Bowling Pavilion Centre Vale Park £297,000.00   Lloegr
Waterside Community Trust Adnewyddu Ystafell Newid Pwll Waterside £254,000.00   Lloegr
Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Welling United FC Adfer Maes Chwaraeon Footscray Road at Ddefnydd Cymunedol a Chynaliadwyedd i’r Dyfodol £427,000.00   Lloegr
Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Canolfan Hamdden Whitworth Ailagor Canolfan Hamdden Whitworth £216,000.00   Lloegr
Siop Lyfrau Gymunedol Wymondham Kett’s Books For Good £299,894.00   Lloegr
Yellow Ribbon Community Chaplaincy Halfway House £320,000.00   Lloegr
Sefydliad Cymunedol Broughshane a’r Ardal Canolfan Gymunedol Broughshane £300,000.00   Gogledd Iwerddon
Forth Spring Inter Community Group Forthspring Inter Community Group - Prosiect Prynu Adeilad £168,000.00   Gogledd Iwerddon
In Your Space Circus Ltd IYSC Cathedral School Project £601,540.00   Gogledd Iwerddon
Clwb Pêl-droed Newcastle Cartref chwaraeon i Newcastle £274,000.00   Gogledd Iwerddon
Oh Yeah Music Centre Oh Yeah Music Centre £850,000.00   Gogledd Iwerddon
Omagh Community House Limited Tŷ Cymunedol Omagh £259,200.00   Gogledd Iwerddon
Cofeb Pepper Johns Adfywio’r hen Down Recorder Printing Rooms £96,000.00   Gogledd Iwerddon
Cymorth i Fenywod Armagh Down Ltd Prosiect ELEOS £350,000.00   Gogledd Iwerddon
Ymddiriedolaeth Pêl-droed Cymunedol Castlemilk The Barlia Complex: Gofod Cymunedol wedi’i Ail-ddychmygu ar gyfer Cymuned Castlemilk - Gwella Iechyd, Llesiant a Chyfranogiad mewn Chwaraeon £424,303.00   Yr Alban
Filmhouse (Edinburgh) Ltd Filmhouse: Open The Doors £1,540,000.00   Yr Alban
Macaulay College C.I.C Ltd Building for the future at Macaulay College £538,122.00   Yr Alban
Retail Trust Crookfur House Community Hub £200,000.00   Yr Alban
Take A Bow Development Trust Ailddatblygu Hen Ganolfan Gymunedol New Farm Loch - Cam 2 £854,333.00   Yr Alban
Cymdeithas Gristnogol Dynion Ifanc Penicuik a’r Ardal a Chymdeithas Gristnogol Menywod Ifanc Hwb Ieuenctid Penicuik £300,000.00   Yr Alban
Black Mountains College Project Ltd. Ailosod Canolfan Ieuenctid a Chymunedol Talgarth £1,430,400.00   Cymru
Clynfyw Community Benefit Society Ltd Fferm Gymunedol Clynfyw i bawb £298,971.00   Cymru
Music Venue Properties Limited Perchnogi Ein Lleoliadau - Le Pub £249,999.00   Cymru
Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Clwb Pêl-droed y Rhyl Perchnogaeth canolbwynt cymunedol £378,600.00   Cymru
Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Ryder Academi Capel Penuel £345,972.00   Cymru
The Owain Glyndwr Community Hotel Limited Gwesty Cymunedol Owain Glyndŵr £452,700.00   Cymru

Ymgeiswyr Llwyddiannus Rownd 3 Cyfnod Ymgeisio 2

Sefydliad Enw’r Prosiect Cyfanswm Gwlad
Anston Parish Council The Old Library £272,803.00 Lloegr
Ashton Hayes Community Hub Ltd Ashton Hayes Community Hub Ltd (The Golden Lion) £360,000.00 Lloegr
Berkeley Books Breaking Ground on GL12 Library and Community Hub £130,000.00 Lloegr
Borden Parish Council The New Build Playstool Convenience £70,300.00 Lloegr
Broadstairs Town Team Broadstairs Town Shed - Raise the Roof £110,000.00 Lloegr
Bromham Community Hub Bromham Community Hub £300,000.00 Lloegr
Brontë Birthplace Limited Brontë Birthplace £240,000.00 Lloegr
Chittlehampton Village Hall Chittlehampton Community Hub £264,510.00 Lloegr
Clun Town Council with Chapel Lawn Renovation of Clun Town Hall £53,385.00 Lloegr
Courtside Hubs CIC (Courtside) The Hillsborough Hub £522,000.00 Lloegr
Cranleigh Parish Council Cranleigh Village Hall £307,754.00 Lloegr
Delapré Abbey Preservation Trust Delapré Abbey: A Stable Future £299,549.00 Lloegr
Ellesmere Children’s Centre/ EMOSI Ellesmere Children’s Centre £168,360.00 Lloegr
Fadmoor Community Pub Limited The Plough Community Purchase - Fadmoor £297,120.00 Lloegr
Framsden Social Enterprises Community Benefit Society Ltd. The Dobermann Inn £276,300.00 Lloegr
Great Braxted Parish Council Pavilion Restoration and Energy Saving Initiative 2023 £69,192.00 Lloegr
Hamsterley Community Sports Association Hamsterley MUGA £38,500.00 Lloegr
Holloway Community Shop Holloway Community Shop £300,000.00 Lloegr
Houghton Field Association Replacement of Pavilion Building on Houghton Field £231,200.00 Lloegr
Hudswell Community Charity Hudswell Hostel @ St Michaels £250,000.00 Lloegr
Ikigai Farm Ltd Save The White Horse Thelnetham £298,800.00 Lloegr
Leigh Atherton and Tyldesley Heritage Group Tyldesley College Community Project £300,000.00 Lloegr
Longridge On The Thames Longridge’s BIG Campaign £218,778.00 Lloegr
Mayfield & Five Ashes Parish Council Mayfield Community Centre £297,463.00 Lloegr
Millbrook Parish Council Millbrook Skatepark Project £74,090.00 Lloegr
Mossley Big Local Limited Mossley Community Hub £355,678.00 Lloegr
North Muskham Parish Council North Marsh Nature Reserve £208,000.00 Lloegr
Oasis Church (Birmingham) South Street Community Hub £300,000.00 Lloegr
Ramsbottom Co-op Hall Heritage Trust Ltd Ramsbottom Co-op Hall £296,000.00 Lloegr
Redhills CIO Redhills Revealed £281,166.00 Lloegr
Roxwell Chequers Community Benefit Society Ltd Roxwell Chequers Community Pub £276,233.00 Lloegr
St Neots Town Council St Neots Oast House £350,000.00 Lloegr
Stanwell Events Stanwell Community Building - Phase 2 Refurbishment £216,000.00 Lloegr
The Bell at Pensax Community Pub Limited The Bell at Pensax Community Pub Limited £274,362.00 Lloegr
The Generator Loughborough CIC The Generator £700,000.00 Lloegr
The Lenton Centre The Lenton Centre Roof Repair £146,524.00 Lloegr
The Ropewalk (Barton) Ltd Barton Museum and Community Spaces Project (BMCS project) £250,000.00 Lloegr
Trinity Community Arts Ltd Saving Jacobs Wells Baths £1,050,000.00 Lloegr
Trust Links Ltd The Gunny, Canvey Island £300,000.00 Lloegr
Tyne and Wear Building Preservation Trust Limited St Mary’s @ Gateshead Riverside Park £273,733.00 Lloegr
Weston SOS Limited Weston SOS ‘Save Our Shop’ (and Post Office) £280,999.00 Lloegr
Weston-super-Mare Town Council The Old Town Quarry £699,992.00 Lloegr
Whitefield Bowling Club Community Interest Club Refurbishment and Improvement £259,046.00 Lloegr
Wickersley Parish Council Winthrop Gardens Redevelopment Project £264,000.00 Lloegr
Williton Allotments Ltd Secure, develop and protect Williton Allotments £30,000.00 Lloegr
Winscombe Community Association Winscombe Community Association - Winspace Project £300,000.00 Lloegr
Wolverhampton Grand Theatre (1982) Ltd Amar House Phase 1: The Slade Rooms £2,050,000.00 Lloegr
Ballypitmave Community Development Ltd Ballypitmave Community Development Ltd - Glenavy & Killultagh Community Hub £300,000.00 Gogledd Iwerddon
Live Life Social Enterprises Limited Live Life @ The Grove Activity Centre £240,000.00 Gogledd Iwerddon
Mallard Community Charitable Hub Limited Mallard Community Hub £235,500.00 Gogledd Iwerddon
The Nerve Centre Limited Magazine Studios Redevelopment £300,000.00 Gogledd Iwerddon
The Resurgam Community Development Trust Hilden Mill School £180,000.00 Gogledd Iwerddon
uHub Therapy Centre Save our Hub at Hamilton Road £155,950.00 Gogledd Iwerddon
Bailliefields Community Hub SCIO Bailliefields Community Hub - Phase 2 £100,000.00 Yr Alban
Capital Theatres (Edinburgh) King’s Theatre Edinburgh #everyonestheatre £2,000,000.00 Yr Alban
Clyne Heritage Society Old Clyne School Redevelopment £1,950,000.00 Yr Alban
Concrete Garden The Back Garden and Outdoor Play Project £60,000.00 Yr Alban
Cove Sailing Club (SCIO) Cove Sailing Club (SCIO) £478,627.00 Yr Alban
Davidson Legacy Cottage SCIO Davidson Legacy Cottage £299,900.00 Yr Alban
Dunblane Square Limited The Bank £411,250.00 Yr Alban
Fair Isle Bird Observatory Trust Fair Isle Bird Observatory £550,000.00 Yr Alban
Gairloch and Loch Ewe Action Forum The Shieling £128,189.00 Yr Alban
Global Family Care Network (SCIO) Installation of Infrared Heating - Global Family Care Network (SCIO) £77,520.00 Yr Alban
Gordon Rural Action The Bikery £50,000.00 Yr Alban
Isle of Gigha Heritage Trust Gigha Hotel Renovation £247,497.00 Yr Alban
Park Ecovillage Trust Rising from the Ashes: Rebuilding the Park Ecovillage Findhorn Sanctuary £194,665.00 Yr Alban
Tarbert Bowling Club Redevelopment of closed tennis courts into a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) £288,577.00 Yr Alban
The North Ronaldsay Trust The Pund Project £282,000.00 Yr Alban
Tillydrone Community Development Trust SCIO Benholms Tower £296,969.00 Yr Alban
West Calder and Harburn Community Development Trust Limited The Scottish Co-operative Discovery Centre £550,000.00 Yr Alban
Llangollen Museum Llangollen Museum Sustainability Project £146,580.00 Cymru
The Sun Inn Community Pub Ltd The Sun Inn Community Pub. £292,000.00 Cymru

Cynigwyr Llwyddiannus Rownd 3 Cyfnod Ymgeisio 1

Sefydliad Enw’r Prosiect Cyfanswm Gwerth Gwlad
Canolfan Gelfyddydau ac Amgylcheddol Sterts Ailadeiladu Theatr Sterts £300,000 Lloegr
Cyngor Tref Godalming Adnewyddu Toiledau Cyhoeddus Crown Court £194,486 Lloegr
Cyfeillion Neuadd Gyhoeddus Stretford Neuadd Gyhoeddus Stretford – Buddsoddiad ar gyfer y Dyfodol £280,000 Lloegr
Y Gymdeithas Daoaidd Ryngwladol Neuadd Sea Cloud, Leeds £236,140 Lloegr
Europa Weightlifting Ltd Europa Weightlifting, Campfa Dartford £244,920 Lloegr
Cyngor Plwyf Chinley, Buxworth a Brownside Ailadeiladu Canolfan Gymunedol Chinley a Buxworth £250,000 Lloegr
Cyngor Plwyf Chaddesley Corbett Prynu Tir Rhandir £60,000 Lloegr
Keighley & Worth Valley Railway Preservation Society Limited Ailadeiladu Pont 27 KWVR £1,000,000 Lloegr
Henry Jenkins Community Pub Limited Tafarn Gymunedol Henry Jenkins £330,000 Lloegr
Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol intoBodmin Yr Hen Lyfrgell £120,912 Lloegr
Skelton-on-Ure Pub and Hub Limited Skelton-on-Ure Pub & Hub £300,000 Lloegr
The Other Perspective Y Ganolfan Ryngwladol £300,000 Lloegr
Ymddiriedolaeth Tŷ Agored (Allgymorth Cristnogol) Tŷ Agored yn Agor £48,000 Lloegr
Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Shillingstone Old Ox Shillingstone Old Ox Inn – prynu gan y gymuned £477,300 Lloegr
Canolfan Byw’n Iach Hamara Canolfan Cockburn £300,000 Lloegr
Neuadd Bentref Guarlford Neuadd Bentref Guarlford £112,000 Lloegr
Oswestry Station Building Trust Ltd Prosiect Gwelliant Cymunedol Gorsaf Gobowen £246,146 Lloegr
Cyngor Tref Blandford Forum Cyfnewidfa Ŷd Blandford Forum: Adfer ac adnewyddu ased cymunedol £265,000 Lloegr
Amgueddfa Drafnidiaeth Wythall Adfer Bws D7 £57,373 Lloegr
Cyngor Tref Knutsford Neuadd Farchnad Knutsford £560,000 Lloegr
The Cabin The Cabin Adeiladu O’r Newydd £238,917 Lloegr
Centurion Community Action Group ltd Prynu rhydd-ddaliad The Centurion Pub £250,000 Lloegr
Cyngor Eglwys Blwyf St. Peter Haveringland Hyb Cymunedol Haveringland £48,000 Lloegr
Clwb Nofio Lordsfield Keep Overton Swimming £835,400 Lloegr
Cyngor Plwyf Leybourne Prynu Coed Leybourne £120,000 Lloegr
Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Holton Pits Holton Pits – Man Agored Cymunedol £133,000 Lloegr
Elusen Pafiliwn Master Park (MPPC) ‘Park Hub’ Oxted: Gwella Effaith a Sicrhau Dyfodol Master Park £250,000 Lloegr
Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Moor Imagination Collective Moor Imagination Centre, Buckfastleigh £205,000 Lloegr
Mosaic 1898 Ltd Hyb Cymunedol Whetstone £243,180 Lloegr
Cyngor Plwyf Kimpton Prosiect Adnewyddu Pafiliwn Kimpton £62,000 Lloegr
Cyngor Plwyf Over Wallop Pafiliwn Cymunedol Over Wallop £266,500 Lloegr
The Margate School Ltd TMS 31-33 High Street £400,000 Lloegr
OVO St Germain’s Barn and St Michael’s Changing Rooms £300,000 Lloegr
Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol The Petersfield Partnership Hyb Cymunedol a Chwaraeon Petersfield £458,000 Lloegr
Rhaglen Rymuso South Tyrone Yr Hen Farics, Dungannon £250,000 Gogledd Iwerddon
Milford Community Development Association Limited Yr Hen Ysgoldy, Milford £228,833 Gogledd Iwerddon
Melvin Recreational & Resource Complex Ltd Canolfan Hamdden Melvin £250,000 Gogledd Iwerddon
Ymddiriedolaethau Datblygu Gogledd Iwerddon Yr Hen Synagog Belfast £350,000 Gogledd Iwerddon
Sefydliad Corfforedig Elusennol yr Alban (SCIO) South Seeds Dychwelyd yr Hen Ystafelloedd Newid i ddefnydd cymunedol £256,793 Yr Alban
Cwmni Adfywio Cymunedol Catalyst Adnewyddu hen Ganolfan Gymunedol Laurencekirk £183,000 Yr Alban
Ymddiriedolaeth Addysgol Wyddonol Aero Space Aero Space Kinross £300,000 Yr Alban
Gargunnock Community Shop Limited Siop Gymunedol Gargunnock £253,032 Yr Alban
Ymddiriedolaeth Llety’r Barnwr Llety’r Barnwr: adeiladu adnodd cymunedol hyfyw £187,557 Cymru
Tafarn Cymunedol Dyffryn Aeron Cyf Tafarn Cymunedol Dyffryn Aeron £300,000 Cymru
Haverfordwest Heritage Limited Ffatri Brintio Neuadd Ddirwest £282,500 Cymru

Cynigwyr Llwyddiannus Cyfnod 3 Rownd 2

Sefydliad Enw’r Prosiect Cyfanswm Gwerth Gwlad
Back on the Map Hendon Highstreet Revolution £168,000 Lloegr
Sefydliad Corfforedig Elusennol Neuadd Bentref Barrowden Hyb Cymunedol Barrowden £300,000 Lloegr
Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Birmingham Open Media The Crown Project £300,000 Lloegr
Blackheath Football Club Limited Project Well Hall £725,000 Lloegr
Bovey Tracey Paradiso Arts Ltd Bovey Tracey Paradiso Arts – creu Canolfan Gelfyddydau gynaliadwy ar gyfer pobl Bovey Tracey a thu hwnt £200,000 Lloegr
Brendon Orchards Cooperative The Greenhouse, Wiveliscombe £70,000 Lloegr
Broxbourne Big Local Canolfan Gymunedol Wormley £198,000 Lloegr
Chapel St Creative The Centenary Hall, Penzance £177,000 Lloegr
Christian Action & Resource Enterprise 88 Victoria Street £250,000 Lloegr
Cromer Artspace Cromer Artspace on the Prom £34,800 Lloegr
Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol FOWLC Canolfan Chwaraeon a Hamdden Wadebridge £935,000 Lloegr
Cyfeillion Parc Spencer Pafiliwn Parc Spencer £184,137 Lloegr
Frome Town Community Benefit Society Limited Saving Badgers Hill £364,114 Lloegr
Halo Leisure Services Limited Trac Athletau Henffordd £220,000 Lloegr
Higham Community Benefit Society Ltd The Oddfellows Arms, Higham on the Hill £156,000 Lloegr
Horse and Jockey Community Pub Limited Horse and Jockey Community Pub £240,000 Lloegr
Interim Spaces 10 Market Place, Shepton Mallet BA4 £144,000 Lloegr
Leslie Sports Foundation Cyfleuster Chwaraeon Neuadd Storthes £318,456 Lloegr
Gofal Hosbis Gogledd Swydd Efrog Herriot Hospice@The Lambert £250,000 Lloegr
play@cotherstone Prynu rhydd-ddaliad a theitl tir gan Barc Cymunedol Cotherstone £24,000 Lloegr
The Old School Building Company (OSBC) Hyb Cymunedol Cynaliadwy Shipley £300,000 Lloegr
Ymddiriedolaeth Paignton Picture House Paignton Picture House £284,730 Lloegr
The Stable Family Home Trust The Emporium@55 ar gyfer oedolion ag anableddau dysgu £300,000 Lloegr
Titchfield Haven Community Hub Limited Hyb Cymunedol Titchfield Haven £185,977 Lloegr
Hyb Celfyddydau a Chymunedol Winchcombe Hyb Celfyddydau a Chymunedol Winchcombe £282,406 Lloegr
York Supplies Community Society Ltd. Cydweithfa Gymunedol York Supplies £300,000 Lloegr
Ambassadors Football Ireland Prosiect Adfywio Canolfan Hamdden Craigavon £165,000 Gogledd Iwerddon
Broughshane and District Community Association Ltd Canolfan Gymunedol Broughshane £300,000 Gogledd Iwerddon
Enterprise Causeway Ltd The Meeting House Bushmills £210,000 Gogledd Iwerddon
Impact Network NI Adfywio 45 Main Street, Randalstown £250,000 Gogledd Iwerddon
Inspire Wellbeing Hyb Lles Cymunedol Woodvale £129,600 Gogledd Iwerddon
Moneydarragh Community Hub Limited Gwella Cyfleusterau yn Hyb Moneydarragh £72,000 Gogledd Iwerddon
Seacourt Print Workshop Limited Banking on Seacourt £300,000 Gogledd Iwerddon
Caring Operations Joint Action Council Canolfan C.O.J.A.C. £111,000 Yr Alban
Cymdeithas Dreftadaeth Clyne Ailddatblygu Hen Ysgol Clyne £300,000 Yr Alban
Ymddiriedolaeth Melin John O’Groats Melin John O’Groats: pŵer i’r gymuned £300,000 Yr Alban
Laxdale Community Association SCIO Adnewyddu Neuadd Laxdale £300,000 Yr Alban
Ymddiriedolaeth Ddatblygu New Cumnock Re: New Trotters £182,073 Yr Alban
North Edinburgh Arts North Edinburgh Arts £250,000 Yr Alban
Portobello Central SCIO Neuadd Dref Portobello £90,000 Yr Alban
The Y Centre Limited The Y Centre £250,000 Yr Alban
CPD Crymych Cyf. Hyb Lles Cymunedol Tafarn Crymych £210,000 Cymru
Cynulleidfa Tabernacl Treforys Hyb Cadernid Cymunedol Tabernacl Treforys £250,000 Cymru
Partneriaeth Fern FuZe Together for Community Longevity £300,000 Cymru
The Radnor Arms Hotel Limited Gwesty Radnor Arms £240,000 Cymru
Y Cross Cas-lai Community Benefit Society Ltd. Y Cross Cas-lai Community Benefit Society Ltd. £244,250 Cymru

Rownd 2 Ffenestr 2 Cynigwyr Llwyddiannus

Sefydliad Prosiect Cynnig Gwlad
Argyle Community Trust Brickfields Sports and Community Hub £1,050,000 Lloegr
Courtside Hubs CIC (Courtside) (The Bury Knowle) Bury Knowle Multi-activity Hub £260,878 Lloegr
Courtside Hubs CIC (Courtside) (The Leys Multi activity hub) The Leys Multi-activity Hub £699,697 Lloegr
DesignerMakersCIO designermakers21 building purchase £191,596 Lloegr
East Boldre Community Stores Limited East Boldre Chapel Stores £299,500 Lloegr
Fighting All Cancers Together ACT Family Community Centre £300,000 Lloegr
Friends Of The Black Horse Cranham Ltd (registered number RS008746) Friends Of The Black Horse Cranham Ltd £300,000 Lloegr
Groundlings Theatre Trust Saving the Old Benny £156,000 Lloegr
Healthy Me Healthy Communities CIC Gorton Central £150,000 Lloegr
Joint Activities & Motor Education Service JAMES Tramshed Keighley £121,670 Lloegr
Lancaster Musicians Coop Lancaster Music Co-op £300,000 Lloegr
Middlesbrough Rugby Union Football Club Ltd Tollesby Playing Fields £138,623 Lloegr
Old Horn Community Pub Society Limited Old Horn Community Pub £199,740 Lloegr
Sangat community association sangat centre renovations £140,500 Lloegr
Selsey Pavilion Trust Selsey Pavilion £299,400 Lloegr
St Albans Community Association St Albans Community Centre £300,000 Lloegr
TAAG CIO TAAG refurbishment £88,560 Lloegr
The Fishers Arms Horncliffe Community Pub Limited The Fishers Arms £65,000 Lloegr
The George Community Pub (Wickham Market) Limited The George Community Pub Project £195,000 Lloegr
The New Mechanics Institution Preservation Trust Refurbishment of historic Cricketers Arms for community use £250,000 Lloegr
The Portland Inn Project CIC THE PORTLAND INN PROJECT £299,900 Lloegr
Wixford Village Hall Replacement of Wixford Village Hall £179,862 Lloegr
Greater Shantallow Area Partnership Northside Community Building £194,438 Gogledd Iwerddon
Dornie & District Community Trust Dornie Community Hub £280,000 Yr Alban
Forres Area Community Trust Forres Town Hall - An Enterprising Community Venue £300,000 Yr Alban
Inspire Inveraray Inveraray Pier £44,332 Yr Alban
Take A Bow Development Trust Re-Development of the Former New Farm Loch Community Centre £200,000 Yr Alban
The Aberfeldy Sports Club The Aberfeldy Sports Club £300,000 Yr Alban
Tremeirchion Community Pub Ltd Salusbury Arms Tremeirchion £175,000 Cymru

Rownd 2 Ffenestr 1 Cynigwyr Llwyddiannus

Sefydliad Prosiect Cynnig Gwlad
Banana Enterprise Network Ltd (Rock Hall) Save Rock Hall £295,000 Lloegr
Cliftonville Cultural Space ARK - a new cultural space for Cliftonville £148,792 Lloegr
Horrabridge Recreation Field Trust Horrabridge Replacement Sports Pavilion £134,000 Lloegr
Kingswood Arts CIC (Kingwood House Restoration) Kingswood House Restoration £180,000 Lloegr
LifeLine Church (Community Centre) LifeLine Community Centre £250,000 Lloegr
Limpley Stoke Community Benefit Society Ltd (Save the Hop Pole) Save the Hop Pole £300,000 Lloegr
Margaret Haes Riding Centre Limited (the spirit of the Horse) The Spirit of the Horse £171,500 Lloegr
Mind in Bexley and East Kent Ltd (Revival: Food & Mood) Revival: Food & Mood £120,550 Lloegr
Moor Pool Heritage Trust (Moor Pool Community Jigsaw) Completing the Moor Pool Community Jigsaw £96,000 Lloegr
Myddleton Road Community Benefit Society Limited Save The Step £300,000 Lloegr
Oxhill Village Hall Renovation & extension of Oxhill Village Hall £25,000 Lloegr
Sawyers Church (Community Centre) Sawyers Community Centre £275,000 Lloegr
ST George’s Church Fatfield PCC St Georges Fatfield Community Annexe and Cafe project £250,000 Lloegr
The Black Horse Community Group Limited BHCG Black Horse £245,395 Lloegr
The Raven Inn Community Benefit Society Limited The Raven Inn Community pub £102,000 Lloegr
The Roxy Collective The Future of The Roxy £300,000 Lloegr
Zion Bristol Limited Zion Community Art Space £240,000 Lloegr
Glór Uachtar Tíre (Teach Uidhilin) Teach Uidhilín £204,316 Gogledd Iwerddon
Kilcoo Regeneration Group Limited Purchase of the Parish Buildings for Community Use £195,000 Gogledd Iwerddon
Kilcooley Womens Centre (Ladybird Parent Children and Family Care) Ladybirds Parent, Children & Family Centre £156,000 Gogledd Iwerddon
Falkirk Rugby Football and Sports Club (SCIO) (Sunnyside Pavillion) Sunnyside Pavilion £115,000 Yr Alban
Heart of Newhaven Community The Heart £300,000 Yr Alban
Langside Sports Club Langside Sports Club - Clubhouse and Pavilion Renovation £100,000 Yr Alban
North Arran Community Benefit Society Ltd Lochranza Country Inn £300,000 Yr Alban
Aberporth Village Hall and Recreation Ground Heart of the Community £280,000 Cymru
Aberystwyth and District Hospice at Home Volunteers Acquiring Plas Antaron, a place for wellbeing and hope £179,730 Cymru
Haverhub CIC Expansion and security of Haverhub CIC £240,000 Cymru
SHGT Community Benefit Society Ltd. (Siop Havards) Siop Havards £207,720 Cymru
The Llandyrnog Community Shop Ltd. Llandyrnog Community Shop and Post Office Project (The Llandyrnog Community Shop Ltd) £200,000 Cymru

Rownd 1 Cynigwyr Llwyddiannus

Sefydliad Prosiect Cynnig Gwlad
Adwick Park Community and Sports Academies CIO Adwick Park Community Hub £235,952 Lloegr
Bridge Creative Enterprise CIC Centre of Social Enterprise and Creativity £65,870 Lloegr
Bury Community Football Stadium Bury Community Football Stadium £1,000,000 Lloegr
Countrymans Community Pub Society Limited CCPS Countrymans Community Pub £230,000 Lloegr
Fontmell Magna Community Land Trust Limited Community ownership of the Fontmell Magna Village Shop £204,800 Lloegr
Friends of Newtown St Martin Pub Limited Newtown St Martin Pub £240,000 Lloegr
Hartcliffe City Farm Ltd. Hartcliffe City Farm £300,000 Lloegr
Heritage Lab CIC Ltd Pugin Studios £300,000 Lloegr
Icarus Theatre Collective The Old Red Lion: A rich history, an exciting future £255,172 Lloegr
Newnham on Severn Community Benefit Society NoSCBS The George Community Hub £247,500 Lloegr
Ogbourne Community Pub Society Limited SavetheSilks £237,500 Lloegr
Oldham Boxing Victoria House (The Oldham Boxing Club) £550,000 Lloegr
Oxford Arms Pub and Hub Oxford Arms Pub and Hub £300,000 Lloegr
The Bell Inn Frisby Community Group Limited TBIFCG £150,000 Lloegr
The Weardale Museum Progressing the Internal Envelope £56,760 Lloegr
Clayton West and District Community Hub Limited Clayton Community Wellbeing Hub £185,088 Lloegr
Leigh Building Preservation Trust Leigh Spinners Mill Community Regeneration £250,000 Lloegr
Pompey in the Community The John Jenkins Stadium £986,000 Lloegr
The George Community Limited The George Community £250,000 Lloegr
The Light Church Bradford Purchase and Renovation of The Jubilee Centre £225,000 Lloegr
The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Luke, Thurnby Leicester The Hub Community Centre and Cafe, Manor Field, Thurnby £250,000 Lloegr
The Rising Sun Woodcroft Community Pub Project The Rising Sun Woodcroft Community Pub Project £175,000 Lloegr
The Wharf Marple Community Interest Company The Wharf Marple Community Hub, Heritage, Health & Wellbeing Centre. £200,000 Lloegr
Westhall Community Pub Ltd. Westhall Racehorse Community Pub £96,600 Lloegr
Whitley Bay Big Local CIO Community Building for Whitley Bay £300,000 Lloegr
Ballymacash Sports Academy Limited Community Hub Project (Phase 2) 2022 £300,000 Gogledd Iwerddon
St Columbs Hall Trust Aurora £181,800 Gogledd Iwerddon
Grow the Glens Community Interest Company GtG CIC Glens Digital Hub £300,000 Gogledd Iwerddon
St Davids Brass Band SCIO Vogrie Hall Refurbishment £127,251 Yr Alban
Callander Community Development Trust Ltd Callander Visitor Information Centre £124,843 Yr Alban
Local Initiatives in New Galloway New Galloway Town Hall SOS Save Our Space £175,000 Yr Alban
Rannoch Community Trust Rannoch Hub £250,000 Yr Alban
The Old Forge Community Benefit Society Limited The Old Forge Community Benefit Society: a community owned pub £219,096 Yr Alban
The Whithorn Trust Whithorn ReBuild Renewing the Old Town Hall £300,000 Yr Alban
Creations of Cymru Film and Media Refurbishment and Redevelopment of the Queens Ballroom £90,000 Cymru
Menter Tyn Llan Cyfyngedig Achub Tyn Llan Save Tyn Llan £250,000 Cymru
The Coalfields Regeneration Trust The CANA Resource and Training Centre £124,258 Cymru

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Cyhoeddwyd ar 27 October 2021
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 17 April 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added translation

  2. Addition of the successful bidders for Round 3 Window 3.

  3. Addition of the successful bidders for round 3 window 2.

  4. Successful bidders for Round 3 Window 1 added to list of successful bidders.

  5. Added Cymraeg translation: Cynigwyr Llwyddiannus Cyfnod 3 Rownd 2.

  6. Successful bidders for Round 2 Window 3 added to list of successful bidders.

  7. Successful bidders for Round 2 Window 2 added to list of successful bidders.

  8. Added the successful bids from window 1 of round 2 of the fund.

  9. Removed Stoke Community Centre bid due to a change in circumstances.

  10. Updated list of successful bidders.

  11. Added translation

  12. Added Bury Community Stadium to list of successful bidders.

  13. Added translation

  14. First published.

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