
Confirm your property details

You can confirm your property details or report any changes to them by submitting a check to the Valuation Office Agency (VOA)

Applies to England and Wales

What is a Check case?

There are 2 parts to a property’s valuation:

  1. The factual details, such as the floor areas and number of rooms
  2. The value of them

If you want to challenge the value, you need to first agree the correct factual details with the VOA. This is called a ‘Check case’.

If all the information held by the VOA is correct

You must still send a Check case, even if the property details are correct, if you want to:

  • tell the VOA about something affecting the land or property that’s not in your control (such as long-term disruptive roadworks)
  • challenge the rateable value of the property
  • change the address
  • change the main use (description)
  • change the date that a change occurred

Other changes you can report

You can also send a Check case to tell the VOA that:

  • the property has been split into more than one
  • the property has been merged with others to create one or more new properties
  • the property has been demolished or renovated
  • there has been a change in the local area affecting the property
  • a court decision has affected the property

What to include in your Check case

The VOA will ask for documents to support your changes. Your evidence might include:

  • photographs
  • plans
  • rent agreements
  • a statement with extra information or comments that you have not included elsewhere

If you don’t provide any documents, your case may be delayed if the VOA need to ask you for anything.

You could be charged a penalty if you provide any incorrect information in your Check case. It could also lead to backdated increases to your business rates.

Submitting a check for a change in the local area of your property

The date you submit a check about something outside affecting your property (also known as a Material Change of Circumstances) can affect the outcome. If the issue is temporary, your check needs to be submitted while the issue is ongoing.

If you need to submit a check urgently for this reason and you’re waiting for your property claim to be approved, or you’re waiting to receive a copy of your detailed valuation and check form, you should email and ask for your request to be prioritised.

The subject line should be ‘Urgent: external Material Change of Circumstances’ and you should include the property address and your submission ID or reference number within the email.

After you submit a check

The VOA will review the details you send them. In most cases they will have enough information to process your check. However, they may contact you if they need more information.

If necessary, the VOA will update the property details and send you a written notification.

If you need to report any new changes after you’ve already submitted a check, you must complete another check. The VOA will review the information in the two checks and will contact you if there are any queries.

Updates to this page

Published 30 November 2020
Last updated 30 October 2023 show all updates
  1. A Welsh translation has been added.

  2. Updated information for Wales

  3. Updated for the 2023 rating list

  4. First published.

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