Copyright Tribunal: applications procedure
The application procedure for referring disputed matters to the tribunal.
Who can refer a dispute
In general, only the person seeking a copyright licence can refer disputed matters to the tribunal. However, where the tribunal has already made a decision in a particular area, the collecting society as well as the licensee may apply to the tribunal to change that decision, usually on the grounds that circumstances have changed materially since the tribunal last considered the matter. Any party to a tribunal hearing may appeal against its decision, but only on points of law.
Rules of procedure
New rules of procedure were introduced on 6 April 2010.
Initiating proceedings
During the Covid-19 pandemic you should contact the Secretary, Copyright Tribunal before submitting an application.
Proceedings in the Copyright Tribunal are initiated by serving a notice on the Secretary in accordance with Rule 7 using the form shown in Schedule 1 to the Rules.
The notice must be accompanied by a statement of case and fee (£50 in most cases - see Intellectual Property Office how to pay us).
Please refer to the Rules for further details concerning procedures.
Application forms
Tribunal procedure
The Tribunal has its own rules of procedure.
Office address
Under rule 4 our new office address is:
Copyright Tribunal
Concept House
Cardiff Road
NP10 8QQ
Various options are available for payment of application fees on the Intellectual Property Office how to pay us. Please quote Copyright Tribunal as the reference.