
Copyright Tribunal: hearing procedure and listed cases

The hearing procedure and listed cases before the tribunal.

The Act and Rules provide for parties to state their cases at a verbal hearing.

Every party to a reference or application that is considered at a hearing before the tribunal is entitled to:

  • attend the hearing
  • to address the tribunal
  • to give evidence and call witnesses

It is usual for the parties to be represented by legal advisors and counsel at hearings. However, legal representation is not a requirement, and the tribunal may permit other representation or, except in the case of a corporation or an unincorporated body, parties may present their own cases if they wish. Hearings of the tribunal are normally in public, and a transcript of the proceedings is usually taken.

Scrutiny of evidence and transcripts

Once a case has been heard, and a final decision has been issued, any evidence brought forward by the parties (other than that agreed as confidential) and transcripts of the proceedings, are open to public scrutiny. Anyone who would like to view documents from previous cases should contact the Secretary to make an appointment for a mutually convenient time to do so. However, please note that these documents are often complex and substantial and would require some time to take in and understand fully.

Listed cases

There are no current cases listed.

Updates to this page

Published 11 November 2014
Last updated 18 July 2019 show all updates
  1. Copyright Tribunal ref 132/19 added.

  2. Copyright Tribunal ref 131/19 added.

  3. Listed cases removed.

  4. Ref 129/16 updated.

  5. Ref 130/17 updated.

  6. Ref 129/16 listed case updated.

  7. Ref 130/16 listed case added.

  8. Ref 129/16 listed case added.

  9. New list case added: Ref 128/16

  10. Hearing for 14 April 2016 added.

  11. Note added to say 'No hearings will take place on the 18 to 19 November 2015'.

  12. Hearing date for listed case added.

  13. First published.

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