Countryside Productivity Scheme
How to apply for grants and submit an application under the Countryside Productivity Scheme
Latest news
These grants are closed to new applications.
Countryside Productivity Scheme
The Countryside Productivity Scheme provides funding for projects in England which improve productivity in the farming and forestry sectors and help create jobs and growth in the rural economy.
It is administered by the Rural Payments Agency (RPA).
Only small grants are currently available under this scheme.
The grants are funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
Countryside Productivity Small Grant scheme
The Countryside Productivity Small Grant (CPSG) scheme provides funding for farmers to purchase equipment to improve the productivity of their farm. The scheme is different to other parts of the Countryside Productivity scheme as it uses an online application process and provides grants for specific pieces of agricultural equipment.
Round 3
The Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme Round 3 is now closed for applications.
Countryside Productivity Small Grant scheme Round 3 handbook.
If you have any questions
Please email or call 03000 200301 and follow the options for the Countryside Productivity Small Grant scheme.
Round 2
The Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme Round 2 is now closed for applications.
If you have any questions about your claim for payment
Once you have read the handbook, if you have any questions please email or call 03000 200301 and follow the options for the Countryside Productivity Small Grant scheme.
Round 1
The Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme Round 1 is now closed for applications.
Improving Forestry Productivity
The Improving Forestry Productivity scheme is now closed to new applications.
Applications received by the closing date are being processed.
Water Resource Management
The Water Resource Management scheme is now closed to new applications.
Applications received by the closing date are being processed.
Adding Value to Agri-food
The Adding Value to Agri-food scheme is now closed to new applications.
Expressions of Interest received by the closing date are being processed.
Improving Farm Productivity
The Improving Farm Productivity scheme is now closed to new applications.
Applications received by the closing date are being processed.
What happens next
For the following schemes:
- Water Resource Management
- Improving Farm Productivity
If you have submitted an application by the deadline and it is successful, you’ll get a funding agreement to sign.
With your grant funding agreement signed, you can start work on your project.
After you’ve paid for the work, you can claim your money.
For Adding Value to Agri-food, fill in your Expression of Interest form and send it to us. If this is successful, you’ll get a full application form to complete.
Countryside Productivity Grant schemes are competitive, so please note that not all eligible applications will be successful.
Updates to this page
These grants are closed to new applications.
The Round 3 claim deadline has been extended to midnight on 31 May 2021 to allow for potential delays caused by the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.
Updates to confirm that Round 3 CPSG scheme offers to customers have started.
Updated text to show the round 3 has now closed for applications
Round 3 of the Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme is now open.
Removed link to acceptance portal as round 2 is closed.
Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme handbook updated: deadline for round 2 claims is now 31 July 2020.
Removal of information about accepting the Grant Finding Agreement as Round 2 of the Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme has now closed.
Information added about accepting a Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme Grant Funding Agreement using the online CPSG acceptance portal
The Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme Round 2 is now closed for applications. message added to page
Round 2 of the Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme is now open.
Archived the Improving Farm Productivity handbook and added text to say the scheme is now closed.
"How to fill in an Improving Farm Productivity application" guidance updated at pages 20 and 21 to clarify that quotes in a foreign currency need to be converted to £ sterling, and that transaction fees are not eligible for grant funding and should be excluded.
The Water Resource Management and Adding Value to Agri-food scheme have now closed.
Countryside Productivity Small Grant scheme - Hints and tips to help you apply online.
Removed wording on page 4 of the Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme Handbook
Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme launched 7 February 2018. Guidance handbook and online application portal available
Updated version of 'Improving Forestry Productivity application form appendix', 'Water Resource Management application form appendix' and 'Improving Farm Productivity application form appendix' added to page
Revised version of 'How to Fill in an adding value to agri-food EOI Form Guidance' and Expressoin of Interest Form added to page
Application appendix updated to fix locked cells on the spreadsheets.
Countryside Productivity Scheme - Water Resource Management application deadline extended to 29 June 2018.
Countryside Productivity Adding Value to Agri-Food and Improving Farm Productivity grants launched.
Updated the application form appendix (Excel Spreadsheets) for forestry and reservoirs
First published.