Crown Court Digital Case System training guides and videos
Guides and interactive videos for defence lawyers and prosecutors on using the Digital Case System to work on Crown Court cases online.
Applies to England and Wales
Quick reference guides:
Register, log in and find a case
Manage account details
Create a case
- Create a case video
Give or ask for access to a case
Adding a defence domain video
Inviting a defence advocate video
Ingest a bundle into a case
Manage the digital file cover
Memoranda: leave notes and messages
Manage the index and upload documents
Manage the structure of a case
Redact and add hyperlinks in documents
Link cases
Download the index and bundle
Search within a case
Navigate a digital case file
Navigate on a page
Additional review tools
Direct a court to a page
Download and upload documents in the review pane
Working with notes in a digital case file
Adding notes video
Record of Case Activity (ROCA)
Legal Aid Agency reports
Manage the indictment
Manage the plea and trial preparation hearing (PTPH) form
Manage the plea and trial preparation hearing (PTPH) form video
Splitting a case
Splitting a case video
Merging cases
Working with defence access restrictions
Digital Case System to Crown Prosecution Service two-way interface
Changing a case to multi-handed
Updates to this page
Uploaded new version of the "Working with defence access restrictions" document.
Uploaded new version of the Download the index and bundle guide
Updated Give or ask for access to a case pdf
Revised guide for ingesting a bundle into a case. Video guide removed.
Guidance for ingesting a bunde into a case amended
Guide for ingesting a bundle into a file updated.
Download a copy of the index and bundle guide updated
Manage the index and upload documents guide amended.
Manage the plea and trial preparation hearing (PTPH) form link changed to YouTube video
Updated PTPH2 guide and Welsh summary uploaded.
Updated attachments 15.7.19
Multi-hander roll-out complete. Reference to roll-out removed.
Updated videos added.
Training guides updates and videos removed.
QRG notifications document published.
Add body worn video footage information
Digital Case System to CPS two-way interface guide updated.
Additional training video added
Update to Digital Case System to Crown Prosecution Service two-way interface guide
Updates to 14 of the user guides
Added DCS to CPS two-way interface and DCS standard file structure guidance documents
First published.