Apply for a review panel: adopters and foster carers
How you can ask for an independent review if you disagree with an adoption agency’s or fostering service provider’s qualifying determination letter.
Applies to England
Who can apply
You can apply for a review if you:
- are a prospective or existing adopter or foster carer
- have been through a full or brief assessment
- have received a qualifying determination letter
- have had your terms of approval changed as a foster carer
If your application is accepted, an Independent Review Mechanism (IRM) panel will review your case and make a recommendation about what should happen next.
What a review panel cannot do for you
A review panel:
- cannot change or overrule your agency’s final decision
- cannot determine that adoption should be the plan for the child
- cannot determine whether a child should be placed or matched with a particular prospective adopter
- cannot deal with complaints about your agency or the IRM
There’s separate guidance on what the IRM does and review panels on our about us webpage.
Either apply using the application process on this webpage or email the IRM directly using our contact details.
You cannot apply to the IRM and appeal to your agency.
Application process
You must apply:
- within 28 calendar days of your foster service provider’s qualifying determination letter
- within 40 working days of the date of your adoption agency’s qualifying determination letter
- by email or letter
You must include:
- your name, address, email address and phone number
- the name of your agency and your agency’s email address
- a copy of your qualifying determination letter
- why you disagree with the reasons the agency gave in its qualifying determination letter
You can submit more information to us later on if you need to.
How long a review will take
We’ll aim to review your case and reach a recommendation within 4 months of receiving your application.
Reviews are free for applicants and the cost is met by your agency.
Submitting your application
You’ll need to email your application using our contact details.
Independent Review Mechanism
PO Box 572
Phone 0113 202 2080
Phone lines are open between 9:30am and 12:30pm, Monday to Friday. Where possible, consider contacting us by email.
After you’ve submitted your application
We’ll email you to let you know when we’ve received your application and qualifying determination letter.
There’s separate guidance on what attending a review panel is like and the documents you’ll need to submit on the Prepare for a review panel: adopters and foster carers webpage.