
Electronic Communications Resilience & Response Group (EC-RRG)

EC-RRG is a cross government and telecoms industry forum whose aim is to ensure the telecoms sector remains resilient to threats and risks to services.

EC-RRG is a group representing all elements of communications services in order to promote resilience across the sector.

This includes providers of fixed line services, mobile telephone networks, internet broadband and broadcasting together with government departments, Devolved Administrations and Ofcom.

The policy context

Now more than ever providing communications services is vital to ensure communities are connected and for a vibrant economy. The Department for Science Innovation and Technology (DSIT) is the Lead Government Department for the telecommunications sector which is part of the UK’s Critical National Infrastructure. This is based on essential facilities, systems, sites and networks on which much of other services, business and communities depend on. As part of this role DSIT leads on security and resilience issues for telecommunications.

DSIT therefore works closely with the telecommunications industry to disseminate best practice and policy advice to further enhance the sector’s resilience and EC-RRG is the main mechanism to enable this. EC-RRG also manages the National Emergency Plan for Telecommunications, which sets out a processes for handling emergencies, priority customers and services (see below).

Work of the EC-RRG

DSIT provides the Secretariat for the EC-RRG and helps coordinate it’s work in testing the most appropriate processes to respond to a range of different risks. This is done through a number of Working Groups that report to a Plenary session held each quarter during the year. An annual Work Plan provides the foundation for this. Current priorities have been identified as follows:

  • Further develop the understanding of other critical sectors and agreeing specific resilience measures with the power and water supply industry.
  • Develop an understanding of the implications for fuel supply disruption and that best practice and resilience measures are developed as a result.
  • Delivery of a successful annual exercise for 2020 to test revisions to the national alert process and resilience capabilities.
  • Ensure shared learning through site visits and debriefing after incidents.
  • Continue engagement with Local Resilience Forums to help them understand the role of EC-RRG and assist their planning and response.

National Emergency Alert for Telecommunications (NEAT)

The EC-RRG has developed this process for dealing with emergencies impacting on service provision. NEAT is a conference call convened when telecoms providers become aware of a problem or potential problem that affects services. All key UK telecoms companies, including fixed, mobile, internet and other service providers together with relevant Government Departments are represented on the call. EC-RRG’s annual exercise EMPEX ensures NEAT is tested based on a risk based scenario.

The NEAT forum is used to ascertain the severity of a problem, and if necessary coordinate an effective pan-industry response to restore normal service within the affected area as soon as possible. It can be activated by either industry or Government and will take place as soon as possible from when the alarm has been raised, or at the most within an hour of the alert.

For more information on EC-RRG please contact the Telecoms Security & Resilience Team as part of DSIT

Reaching out to critical customers

Over the past few years EC-RRG has engaged with the local responder community through a number of roadshow workshop events and will continue to do so as part of a rolling programme of workshops and events.

Documents and additional guidance

Further guidance and help for Local Resilience Forums and responding agencies can be found in the following documents.


EC-RRG is currently helping DSIT in ensuring that service disruptions are very few and far between and that network resilience continues to keep communities, businesses, schools and universities connected during the pandemic.

Updates to this page

Published 15 January 2021
Last updated 17 May 2022
  1. Added 2021/2022 severe storms post-incident report.

  2. Added updated Resilience Guidelines

  3. First published.

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