FCERM appraisal guidance
As a risk management authority (RMA) use appraisal guidance and supporting information when preparing a proposal, strategy or business case.
This information is for RMAs. You should have read flood and coastal erosion risk management projects and funding guidance so that you understand the steps you need to take when you develop an FCERM project.
You should also have read the develop an FCERM project business case so you understand how to prepare a business case.
The National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England sets out the overall approach for delivering flooding and coastal risk management in England. As an RMA you must act consistently with the strategy.
The Defra policy statement: appraisal of flood and coastal erosion risk management contains policies and guidance for operating authorities and others involved in managing flood and coastal erosion risk.
HM Treasury’s Green Book provides guidance on how to appraise and assess policies, projects and programmes. It forms the basis of FCERM appraisal.
The Flood Hazard Research Centre’s FCERM manual for economic appraisal provides assessment techniques for:
- flood risk management benefits
- indirect benefits
- coastal erosion risk management benefits
Use the FCERM appraisal guidance to develop your project
You should use the FCERM appraisal guidance to carry out an appraisal of your flood or coastal erosion project or strategy.
This means you:
- use the right methods and calculations
- set your project objectives
- identify and assess options and select the preferred option
- engage with stakeholders and partners to achieve better outcomes
The appraisal guidance consists of 2 parts:
- the appraisal manual, which explains the appraisal steps at a high level
- the technical guidance, which explains the specific appraisal techniques, analysis and evaluations you need to develop a successful business case
The FCERM appraisal guidance changed in March 2022.
When you should use the new guidance
The transition deadlines explain when you should use the new appraisal guidance.
Supplementary guidance
There is also supplementary guidance which can help you with certain aspects of your appraisal. The technical appraisal guidance, explains what this guidance is and when to use it.
It is not applicable to all projects.
Make sure your appraisal is appropriate
It’s important that your appraisal is in proportion to the size and stage of your project so that you:
- make efficient use of your time and resource
- provide the right information at the right stage of your project
- only carry out the activities you need to
The new appraisal guidance manual and technical guidance, explain how much detail you need for your project.
The amount depends on the:
- stage of your project
- type of project you are using
- value of your anticipated investment
- project complexity
- extent and scale of potential impacts
- level of innovation
If you need help or advice
Find out about our community of practice or ask for advice from your local PSO officer.